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Honorary Doctorate encourages grads to go forth with kindness

Ian Cosh and family - banner

The power of being kind to those that we lead was central to Ian Cosh’s message to Hope students at their graduation ceremony in Liverpool’s Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King.

Mr Cosh, Vice President Emeritus for Community and International Engagement at Ouachita Baptist University, was conferred with the title of Doctor of Education (honoris causa) at Wednesday’s ceremony in front of his wife and five daughters, who had all travelled from USA to be with him.

He told the students: “You will become leaders and as such will be required to be problem solvers, but it is equally important to be kind and respectful with everyone you work with.

“Some people believe that strength and kindness in the workplace are not compatible. But they are wrong. All good leaders will leave a legacy that benefits others, long after they leave the organisation.”

A familiar face to many people at Liverpool Hope, Mr Cosh said that he was amazed and delighted to be invited to be conferred with the Honorary title, describing it as ‘the highest honour and an absolute joy’.  

Describing Liverpool Hope, he said: “It’s a place that has good people at every level, the spirit of Hope demonstrating a clear understanding of why it is more important to collaborate then compete.

“The set of values I see at Hope are those that are needed for universities and graduates to succeed in the 21st century. These are embodied in Professor Pillay, a leader that was a change maker in education in South Africa and leads Hope with great dignity.”

Referring to his wife, Sharon and his five grown-up daughters being here, Mr Cosh said: “It is possibly the only opportunity we will have to take a trip with our daughters, who have taken time from partners, children and work to be here with me. I have spoken to them about Hope and the wonderful city of Liverpool so many times, and I’m delighted they can experience this important event with me.”

See photos from Wednesday's Graduation on our Flickr gallery 

Published on 21/07/2022