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Mrs Jacqueline Scholes

Fine Art and Design
0151 291 3681

I hold a  Bachelor of Design degree and I gained my MA in Goldsmithing, Silversmithing, Metalwork and Jewellery from the Royal College of Art. Since graduating I have taught in higher education, a total of 12 years.      

My specialism is designing and making silver tableware.  My research is focused on dining rituals and cultural customs, ranging from the 17th century to the present day. Other interests lie in exploring human behaviour; the progression of customs, emotional attachment to food and our communication through objects.  The relationships between food and tableware; the interaction of the diner with a meal and the table landscape, are essentially the fundamental beginnings of my creative process. 

Teaching Specialisms

Material Research

Design Development and exploration

Metalwork: Silversmithing / Forging/ Raising

Fine Metalwork: Jewellery / Etching/ Enameling / Patination

Digital Technologies: Laser Cutting, CNC, 3D Printing


School Roles

Professional Tutor in Contemporary Fashion Design,  Creative website coordinator

Recent Works

Bluecoat Display Centre, Liverpool. 'Limited Editions'

Augustus Brandt Gallery, Petworth. 'Living Silver: Contemporary Silver for the Home'

Decorative Arts Sale, Bonhams, London.

Boards/ Networks

Member of the Contemporary British Silversmiths (CBS)

The Goldsmiths' Company, London