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Safety co-ordinators

3 Students in classroom

Safety Coordinators assist the Heads of School or Department in their areas of responsibility in all aspects of health and safety.

Safety co-ordinators are a point of contact within each Department for any health & safety related matters and through their daily activities continually monitor to ensure appropriate arrangements for a safe working environment are in force.

They also help to ensure that any accidents, incidents and near misses are reported to the Health & Safety Advisor and may assist in the event of an investigation if necessary.

Safety co-ordinators will also be responsible for conducting local workplace inspections and monitoring that any subsequent recommendations that are acted upon.

In addition Safety co-ordinators will;

  • assist with the production of a School or Department safety policy as required by the University Health & Safety Policy.
  • attend regular meetings with the Health & Safety Advisor and be the initial point of contact for health and safety issues within their area of responsibility
  • communicate safety related information from the Health & Safety Advisor or other relevant person.
  • attend the Consultative Committee for Health & Safety.
  • meet with the Dean/Head of School/ Department or Manager at least once per term to discuss safety related issues.
  • be familiar with the hazards in the relevant area and any documentation relating to these hazards such as COSHH and other risk assessments.
  • take a lead role in carrying out and reviewing risk assessments and the formulation of safe systems of work and safe working practices in conjunction with the Head of School/ Department or other members of the department.
  • carry out staff safety induction for new members of the School or Department.
  • undertake appropriate training sessions as required to enable the Safety Coordinator to carry out their duties and responsibilities and to keep up to date with changes in legislation and good practice.
  • carry out a regular ‘safety walk around’ in their area of responsibility to identify potential safety issues.
  • carry out two formal workplace or departmental inspections per year in conjunction with the Health & Safety Advisor or Head of School/Department.

For guidance or additional information when completing a workplace inspection, please contact the Health & Safety Advisor.