Student health and safety
Liverpool Hope University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all staff, students and visitors.
To ensure your time here as a student is a pleasant, safe experience we have provided information and guidance to help you during your studies.
In addition to the guidance the University provides it is also expected that students themselves will follow the information, instruction and training provided and adhere to the policies and procedures that are developed for your own protection.
All students must:
- take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions
- co-operate with all members of staff in maintaining health and safety standards across the University
- not interfere with, intentionally or recklessly, or misuse any equipment provided in the interests of health and safety
- wear, where appropriate and required, suitable protective clothing and any further equipment issued by the University for your own protection
- observe departmental health and safety requirements, with particular regard to laboratory and workshop equipment and materials.
Emergency Procedures
If you discover a fire
If you discover or suspect a fire, within halls of residence or in any other University building, irrespective of the size of the fire you should:
- Raise the alarm using the nearest break glass fire alarm call point
- Do not attempt the fight the fire unless the fire is obstructing an escape, there is no alternative escape route and you are absolutely certain that it is safe to do so.
- Leave the building immediately, switching off any electrical equipment and closing doors behind you as you leave.
- If you are evacuating from halls of residence please ensure your neighbours are aware of the situation.
- Leave the building calmly and quickly, DO NOT USE LIFTS and assemble well away from the exit doors.
- If you suspect someone may still be inside the building then inform the Resident tutor or Campus Operatives.
If you hear the fire alarm
If the fire alarm activates whilst you are in halls of residence or any other University building, then you should always:
- Leave the building immediately, switching off any electrical equipment and closing doors behind you as you leave.
- If you are evacuating from halls of residence please ensure your neighbours are aware of the situation.
- Leave the building calmly and quickly, DO NOT USE LIFTS and assemble well away from the exit doors at the
- suggested assembly points.
- If you suspect someone may still be inside the building then inform the Resident tutor or Campus Operatives.
- Do not re-enter the building until you are told it is safe to do so by a Fire Marshal or member of the Campus Operative team.
First Aid
All Campus Operative are first aid trained and can provide assistance for minor injuries. In the event of a medical emergency or illness that may require an ambulance all students must contact the Security Lodge first using the emergency contact number:
Hope Park Campus - 0151 291 3800 or Ext. 3800 from any internal phone.
Creative Campus - 0151 291 3700 or Ext. 3700 from any internal phone
Aigburth Park - 0151 291 3095 or 0 from any internal phone.
Accident Reporting - All accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported, accident report forms are available online or from Resident Tutors or the Security Lodges.
Reporting Hazards
All buildings on campus are inspected regularly and maintained to an excellent standard however hazards and defects can sometimes occur and within halls of residence these are likely to cause an accident or injury to yourself or others. If you spot a problem within your bedroom, corridor, kitchen, bathroom, stairwell or entrance to the building that you think may need attention then please contact the Estates Department Helpdesk on extension 3185 or report the fault via the online helpdesk.
Emergency Contact Numbers
In the event of an emergency, contact the Security Lodge 24 hours a day on:
0151 291 3800 (Hope Park Campus)
0151 291 3700 (Creative Campus)
0151 727 7262 (Aigburth Park)
Always contact the Security Lodge first in the event of an medical emergency.