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Staff Families Association

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When you join a new organisation, you join a new community, but what about your family? Liverpool Hope University has a social club for the families of staff members.

Open to Families of New Appointments 

Staff Families Association (SFA) is a social club at Liverpool Hope University. It provides a friendly welcome and support to the families of newly appointed staff. SFA meets every month for a coffee morning, either at the university or in the homes of its members. We would like to extend a warm invitation to you to meet other staff families who have recently come to the University.

At Liverpool Hope, we are very conscious of the range of issues associated with a move and Staff Families Association is there to provide support for the families of newly appointed staff. When you start, we would like to invite your family to meet other families who have been in a similar position on an informal and friendly basis. If you would like to take advantage of this invitation, please complete the attached form and return it with the other documentation. 

If you would like someone from SFA to contact you when you arrive, please complete the following details and return the form with your other documentation. We look forward to hearing from you.

Staff Families Association

Upcoming Staff Families Associate Events