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Reflective Weeks: Examples of good practice

Three students sat together talking

As part of the project 28 continuation group, the following examples of good practice have been collated to share with colleagues around the university to help support with organising events and activities for students during reflective weeks. 

Make contact with tutees 

Take the opportunity to catch up with your tutees. Similar to the contact during the induction period, reach out to them and check in with how they are doing. Ask them if there’s anything additional that we can be doing to support them.

Set up meetings with tutees 

Invite students to a 1:1 catch up session via zoom. Touch base with them and see how they are getting on with their studies. Colleagues have found that at this point in their studies students are open and willing to talk.

Advertise the week as a value-added learning opportunity 

Host sessions focused on students signing up to various different qualifications and CPD linked to student employability and development. You could launch the Student Futures 12 tasks of Christmas campaign developed to help boost student employability. Contact if you have any questions. 

Launch a school-based challenge

Set a school-based challenge and introduce this before students leave for Christmas. Students could be asked to complete a variety of different tasks or additional reading for example.

Host assessment related drop ins

Host webinars around any approaching assessments or coursework deadlines assisting students in knowing what is happening next in their studies. Give students the opporunity to submit an assessment plan and provide them with feedback. Many students see this reflective week as getting ahead of things that will be happening in January. 

Host dissertation specific support sessions

This reflective week is seen as a vital moment for final year students to catch up with their dissertation. Some colleagues class this week as a point to touch base with students regarding their progress and support.

Prepare and organise

Send out online information assisting students in being prepared for what they will be covering in term two.

Host a subject Social

This could be a virtual pub quiz, escape room, race evening and include the whole subject.

Send out departmental post cards.

Create virtual Christmas post cards to be sent from schools/ departments supporting the central University ‘keeping in touch’ communication plan.

Pre plan and send a weekly newsletter

Plan for a weekly newsletter to be sent out from the reflective week up until the first week back in Christmas emphasising the message that the school still exists, are here to help.

Post check in letters

Create a set of letters that can go to students and encourage them to reach out, and ask for help and additional support with their studies if they need it. Paper copies being sent to home addresses could add a personal touch.