Despite the weather, more than 300 people visited Health Sciences on Sunday 12th March to help Liverpool Hope celebrate the launch of British Science Week.
Laboratory Manager Matt Smith and Hope intern Jasmine Morgan, who took centre stage with their ‘big bang chemistry’, enthralled crowds.
Dr Emma Lees and PhD student Ben Kirk had queues of people waiting to have their BMI, BP and cholesterol measured, and to take part in food practicals in the state-of-the-art nutrition labs.
Maths and Robotics lecturers Dr Thanapong Chaichana and Dr Graham Reeve, wowed visitors with 3D printing of human organs and an Allosaurus head.
The Psychology labs were buzzing with people taking part in demonstrations led by Dr Tom Gallagher-Mitchell, while Dr Letizia Palumbo discussed the psychological issues raised by a viewing of Black Swan. Geography lecturer Dr Thom Smyth gave visitors the opportunity to see how aspects of Darwinian evolution result in perfection of form. Meanwhile Sport Science lecturer Dr Ginny Coyles and PhD student Stephanie Romano put visitors through their paces in the sport physiology labs.
Bioscience and Nutrition students volunteered to entertain visitors with guerrilla science activities in and around the Health Science Building. Demonstrations included a Van de Graaff generator, bugs and mini-beasts, DNA electrophoresis, explosive mentos, and how to make the perfect slime.
Over 100 children and parents helped Dr Carl Larsen track the Easter Bunny - played by intern student Jessica McMahon - using radio telemetry. They found her stash of chocolate eggs and walked around the campus listening to and identifying birds.
British Science Week organiser Dr Carl Larsen said: “British Science Week is a grassroots approach aimed at making science accessible to a wide audience, so we have events for the public, small children and those studying for their A levels.
“We launched on Friday 10th March with an outstanding talk by one of our top researchers on antibiotic resistance Dr J Enrique Salcedo-Sora, who talked about the public. As scientists, it is our responsibility to communicate our science in a way the public can understand.
“The day was a tremendous success with many children leaving with a big smile and saying I’m going to be a scientist when I grow up. Throughout the rest of the week we have over 50 different science activities. We have six days of events for pupils aged 16+ and a single day for primary aged children. Our science academics also raise money each year for a chosen charity. This year’s charity is Age Concern Liverpool and Sefton, and the theme of the lecturethon is Healthy Ageing.”