The Chaplaincy
Welcome to Liverpool Hope's Chaplaincy page, our chaplains are available for all students and staff whether you have a faith or not.
The motto of Liverpool Hope University is "Faith, Hope and Love", words taken from the Bible - St Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. These are our core values, and the chaplains work with students and staff to try and live these out in daily life:
Faith: The Chaplaincy is a space where all students and staff can explore and reflect upon what faith is, or take time to speak to a chaplain about the big questions of life and death. There are also opportunities to express the Christian faith in prayer meetings or in our Chapel services, and to make use of the Chapels, Multi-Faith Room, or Quiet Space for private prayers or reflection.
Hope: Working with university colleagues, churches, and other organisations, the Chaplaincy team seeks to encourage members of Liverpool Hope to seek to bring hope to others through volunteering and social justice projects.
Love: The Chaplaincy is a wonderful space where you can meet new people with different life experiences, and from different parts of the world. All are welcome within this space whether to meet with others, to speak with a chaplain, or just to sit quietly.
The Chaplaincy is located at the rear of the Eden Building, Hope Park, but chaplains can be seen around our three campuses.
The chaplains are available for students and staff to talk with about anything. We listen, and do not judge. Where appropriate, we may recommend that students or staff seek additional support from The Student Development and Well-being Team or from staff counselling. There is a small room in the Chaplaincy and also in the Creative Campus where you can speak with a chaplain in a more private setting. If you want to arrange a meeting at a specific time, please do contact the chaplains:
The University’s Instagram page is a good place to keep up to date with all our latest news: @liverpoolhopeuk.