Chaplaincy and reflective spaces
The Chaplaincy
The Chaplaincy is located in Hope Park, at the back of the Eden Building. Everyone is welcome to use this space to eat, work, relax, play the piano, meet with friends, new people, or to speak with the chaplains. Tea and coffee are available, and there are also microwaves for use by students and staff.
Hope Park Chapel
Hope Park Chapel is located in the Gateway Building. Students and staff are welcome to use the chapel for quiet prayer or reflection, and to join with others in the services, times of prayer, and times of meditation which are offered throughout the week.
Trinity Chapel
Trinity Chapel is on the first floor of the Hilda Constance Allen Building in Hope Park. It now houses the University Senate room but is open for prayer throughout the day when the Senate Room is not in use. The chapel contains a striking portrayal (by the artist Ghislaine Howard) of Mary's visit to Elizabeth (as recorded in St. Luke’s Gospel).
Multi-faith room
A Prayer Room, with ablution facilities suitable for Muslim prayers, is available at Hope Park for the use of students and staff. It is located by the Theology, Philosophy and Religious Studies Department. The room is open to all who wish to use it, but requires a code to open the door, to facilitate private worship. The code is available from chaplains or at the Gateway Desk.
Quiet Space
A quiet room for private reflection, prayer, or stillness, is available at the Creative Campus, on the ground floor of the Cornerstone Building (East Wing COR003c).
Read more about the Use of religious facilities on our campuses.