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Liverpool Hope Logo

Churches and faith communities

People chatting to each other in the chapel

Anglican churches near Hope

Hope Park

All Saints Childwall, Score Lane, Childwall, Liverpool L16 0JW

Services: Sundays 9:15am, 11am, 6pm

St. David’s Childwall, Rocky Lane, Childwall Liverpool L16 1JA 

Services: Sundays 10:30am

 Creative Campus

St. George’s Everton, Heyworth St, Everton, Liverpool L5 3QG

Services: Sundays 10:30am

St. Peter’s Everton, 29, Langrove Street, Liverpool L5 3PE

Services: Sundays 10:00am

Aigburth Park

St. Michael in the Hamlet, St Michaels Church Road, Liverpool L17 7BD

Services: Sundays 10am

St. Anne’s Aigburth, 389 Aigburth Rd, Liverpool L17 6BH

Services: Sundays 9:15am, 11am

Liverpool Cathedral holds a number of services on Sundays and throughout the week.

Liverpool also has two Anglican churches with dedicated student groups:

St. Barnabas, Penny Lane

St. James in the City

Wherever you live, you can find a church near you.

Catholic Churches near Hope

Hope Park

Our Lady of the Annunciation - Bishop Eton, Woolton Road, Liverpool L16 8NQ

Services: Sunday Mass 8:30am, 10am, 6pm

Creative Campus

St Francis Xavier Church, Salisbury Street L3 8DR  

Services: Sunday Mass 10:15am 


St Charles Borromeo, 224 Aigburth Road L17 9PG  

Services: Sunday Mass 09:30am, 11:00am

Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral holds a number of services on Sunday and throughout the week.

Other churches and faith communities

There are a large number of other Christian churches and communities of many denominations located throughout Liverpool.

Liverpool is also home to several mosques and Islamic prayer rooms, along with a number of Hindu temples, Jewish synagogues, and Sikh gurdwaras.

Please do speak with the chaplains if you want to ask about faith communities near you.