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Could you be a 'Geography Ambassador'?

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Liverpool Hope University is looking for ‘Geography Ambassadors’ - with a special online training event due to take place this week.   

The session - to be held Wednesday 24th February, 2-4pm - is being run in conjunction with the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers).

To sign up, head here

And the idea behind the scheme is to promote geography - and to be a positive role model - to school children, while also firing the imagination of interested youngsters. 

The Ambassador training scheme is open to undergraduates, postgraduates and graduate geographers at Hope.

And, ultimately, Ambassadors will lead classroom sessions - either virtually or in person, when pandemic restrictions allow - talking about why they love geography, dispelling some of the misconceptions about the subject, while also discussing future career opportunities in the discipline. 

Rev. Paul Rooney, Head of Geography and Environmental Science at Hope, says: “The Ambassador role is a really varied one, with involvement in everything from geography clubs, fieldwork trips, careers events and options evenings.

“And it’s also a great opportunity to make a positive impact on students’ understanding and enthusiasm about geography. 

“You’ll also be part of a vibrant community at a renowned geographical institution, taking part in networking events that might enhance your own career, as well as learning skills such as presenting, interpersonal and organisational expertise, alongside experience developing your own resources, sessions and presentations. 

“It’s also excellent work experience if you are considering becoming a teacher."

To sign up you don’t need experience of working with children, just a desire to be a positive role model in the promotion of geography. 

You do, however, need to be flexible in your commitments in order to be able to fit being an Ambassador in with your studies and/or part time work. 

Rooney adds: “Being an Ambassador results in incredibly valuable experience that enhances a range of transferable skills ,such as resource creation, presentation skills and confidence in public speaking.”

For more information and to sign up:

Published on 22/02/2021