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Dr Kim Gordon presents research at Westminster

image of parliament in London

Dr Kim Gordon, Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow in Psychology, presented her research on veteran support to government stakeholders in Westminster.

As part of the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) Forum – FiMpacT 2018: Moving forward together – Dr Gordon discussed her focus on Exploring the suitability and acceptability of peer support for older veterans.

Her research was funded by the FiMT via the National Lottery and LIBOR fund, and was published in the Quality in Ageing and Older Adults journal in 2017.

The Minister for Defence People and Veterans opened the proceedings at Westminster, and the Rt Hon Tobias Ellwood MP, members of the ministry of defence, veterans, third party partners, and stakeholders attended the event.

The final report for Exploring the suitability and acceptability of peer support for older veterans will be published by FiMT.

Published on 02/08/2018