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Dr Manuella Blackburn announced as SPARC Fellow

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City University has chosen Dr Manuella Blackburn to be one of its visiting SPARC Fellows 2019.

The Senior Lecturer in Music will give a concert featuring five of her electroacoustic music compositions on Tuesday 12th February at City University of London.

Dr Blackburn's research into soundfile brevity within composition will be showcased at the concert, followed by a talk with undergraduate students.

Inspired by the idea of using the home as a resource for sounds, Dr Blackburn’s works showcase noises such as ice cube trays, kitchen utensils and ticking clocks.

Dr Blackburn will also give a research seminar series on her latest publication, 'The Terminology of Borrowing', which poses a new framework for understanding musical borrowings in the electronic music domain. 

Find out more and book your free place.  

Published on 08/02/2019