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Education experts to call urgent discussion on young people, citizenship and values in response to Brexit

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Representatives from the major professional associations in religious education, citizenship, and philosophy of education are to meet to discuss how we can best serve young people in their understanding of citizenship, religion, and values in post-Brexit Britain.  

Aimed at practitioners and academics working in teaching, social work, faith, community and political sectors, the July 11th event is open to all (registration necessary). 

Dr David Lundie, Senior Lecturer in Education Studies has organised the event.

He said: “It is vital that in times of unprecedented change like this is, that we pay special attention to the impact that Brexit is already having, and will have, on young people. They and their families are already experiencing the results first hand. They are seeing reports on the news of attacks on immigrants, or worse, experiencing it themselves.

“We need to work out now how schools, faith communities and agencies can work together to help young people make sense of what is going on, to prevent major problems later down the line. The term ‘British values’ is itself in a state of flux at the moment, as we begin to contemplate the long term implications of leaving the EU. 

"We need a joined up plan in place when it comes to meaningfully communicating and engaging young people with an understanding of what is going on around them. As researchers and practitioners, European and global links have helped to build our understanding of educating for humane values, and I hope we can agree a plan to ensure these partnerships are not lost.”  

The event will cover the following themes: addressing racism, xenophobia and questions of migration in schools; teaching citizenship, politics, ethics and human rights in a rapidly changing context and how schools, religious communities and public bodies can work together on curriculum, resources and research.

Dr David Lundie spoke to BBC Radio Merseyside about the conference and its aims (2:09) 

Citizenship, Religion, Philosophy and Values in Post-Brexit Britain takes place on Monday 11 July (10:00- 4.30pm) in the EDEN building, Liverpool Hope University, Hope Park.

For the full agenda and to register for your place please visit the online store or contact Dr David Lundie:  

Published on 20/03/2018