The launch of guest lecturer Dr Terry Wrigley’s new book will take place at a special event hosted by the Faculty of Education on Thursday 15th November.
Dr Wrigley, who is a Visiting Professor at Northumbria University and Co-ordinator of the Reclaiming Schools Network, has published Beyond the Exam Factory: Alternatives to High-stakes Testing, which explores the idea that assessment in English schools is not designed to help children learn.
Instead, Dr Wrigley suggests the main purpose of assessment is to police schools and teachers, and it does untold damage in the process. It causes stress to children, demoralises teachers, and provides little useful information to parents. It narrows the curriculum and penalises schools in the most disadvantaged areas.
This new book aims to open up real alternatives, and draws on a wealth of experience and expertise over many decades, in England and internationally. It presents examples of a wide range of assessment methods that have been eclipsed or forgotten due to the pressures of ‘accountability’.
Following the book launch, Dr Wrigley will deliver a guest lecture to the Faculty’s MA Advanced Pedagogy class on the topic of ‘Critiquing School Improvement and Evidence-Based Practice’.
Both events would be of particular interest to school teachers, leaders and those interested in education more generally, whether from a personal, policy or subject background. Copies of the book will be available for purchase following the launch.
Refreshments will be served from 4.30pm outside the EDEN Lecture Theatre entrance in the EDEN Café (1st Floor, EDEN building). Please RSVP by email to Jack Ambrose ( to confirm your attendance for catering purposes, and indicate which event(s) you would like to attend.
Book launch – Thursday 15th November, 4.45pm in EDEN Lecture Theatre (EDEN 130).
Guest lecture – Thursday 15th November 6 – 7.30pm