A fundraising appeal has been launched to support some of Liverpool Hope University's 'Global Hope' partners.
Global Hope represents the University’s international volunteering programme, which engages in projects addressing social injustice across the world.
The award-winning Global Hope initiative is available to all students and staff, with the team working to secure projects, raise funds, organise travel, train students, induct staff and oversee key objectives.
And now Global Hope has turned its attentions to those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dr Peter Angell, member of the Global Hope Committee, commented: "Whilst it’s important to look after those close to us, it’s also important to remember those in the world who aren’t afforded the support that, far from perfect, we are fortunate to have in the UK.
"Many other countries have no capacity to support furloughed staff, a medical care system that is free to all at the point of need, or even a medical system that is fit-for-purpose.
"So Global Hope is asking that you remember those less fortunate, and in particular our global partners, by helping to provide whatever support you can during these hardest of times."
How you can help
The Global Hope team is seeking to provide both financial donations and/or the offer of your time, for two of its partners:
Solidaridad en Marcha, Arequipa, Peru
The Peru Global Hope project takes place in the country's second city, Arequipa, which has the highest deprivation levels outside Lima.
It is run by Br. Victor Ramos, with whom committee members have been in constant contact since the start of the crisis.
The project centres around a primary school for the poorest based in the city's slums run by Br. Ramos, which has now closed due to lockdown.
Peru's lockdown was much more extensive than here due to the absence of a functioning public health system and welfare state.
While Peru's death rates have not been as bad as here, the economic effects have been devastating with no comparable furlough scheme.
Br. Ramos has consequently been forced to lay off much of the school staff and has effectively lost contact with many pupils, since most do not have internet access and some not even a mobile phone.
Financial support has not been requested by Br. Ramos, but our assessment is that the need for financial assistance is pressing in this instance.
Br. Ramos is a trusted partner - he attended Big Hope 2 - and any funds received would go towards basic technology to enable students to get online or back into the classroom.
If you’d like to donate, you can do so through the Online Store.
You can see a short video explaining Br Ramos’ work here:
Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women, Periyakulum, India
A college of Higher Education for women in semi-rural Tamil Nadu, students are taught in English but rarely have the opportunity to interact with someone whose first language is English.
The sisters who run the College, and who attended our Big Hope 2, are trying to create opportunities for their students to develop their English language skills over the summer.
We are asking staff or students to offer a 20-30 minute talk on something they feel passionate about, ideally linked to British culture or history. This could be football, local history or food. for example.
In particular students are:
- attracted by the stress and intonation of the speaker.
- interested in learning idioms and phrases that they are not familiar with since English is not their mother tongue.
- interested in learning the nuances of the English language.
- keen to understand English grammar better.
You can see pictures from past Global Hope trips below, and find more on our Flickr page.
** To donate to Global Hope, head here.