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Head of Education Studies delivers keynote at Global Citizenship symposium

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Irish Aid and Worldwise invited Associate Professor Philip Bamber to deliver the keynote address at the 2018 Symposium on Why Global Citizenship Education is important in the Irish Post-Primary School.

The Head of Education Studies shared his research on the role of global citizenship education in formal schooling at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Dublin.

School principals and representatives from Civil Society Organisations heard how Dr Bamber’s research focuses on transformative pedagogy, global citizenship and values education.

Dr Bamber was recently commissioned to co-author an international review of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship in Teacher Education, for the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring report.

He is a member of the International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning board, and Associate-Director of the UK Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network (TEESnet).

TEESnet aims to promote a cross-sector community of practice, between university based teacher education, schools and non-government organisation. This provides an outlet to share research and practice, to develop new understanding of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship within teacher education in the UK and beyond.

Published on 15/11/2018