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Health Sciences Building unveiled at celebratory launch

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There was a celebratory atmosphere as staff, students and special guests gathered to witness the official unveiling of the new £8.5 million Health Sciences Building.

University Chancellor Lord Guthrie cut the ribbon and guests were invited to explore the laboratories to learn more about the new facilities available.

Drones and humanoid robots were on display in the Robotics Lab, while students demonstrated electrode sensors and monitoring equipment in the Sports Lab.

Sports Science student Chelsea Jenkins was one of the volunteers demonstrating the new equipment.

She said: “My dissertation focuses on research using EMG sensors and their impact on muscles. The new sports lab with its EMG equipment will be a great environment for studying.”

Meanwhile, Psychology student Marvin Hibbert described the building’s all-encompassing focus on Science as one of its main draws.

He said: “I think it’s important to have all the sciences grouped together in one central place and love the bright and airy feel of the building.

“I’m in my final year, but plan to do my MA in clinical psychology here at Hope, so I’m looking forward to spending more time in the new building.”

Dean of Science Professor Atulya Nagar added: “We are enormously proud of this superb new building. This is a significant development in our future as a research-informed community. The Faculty’s research arm is well equipped with world class scientists and researchers who are producing internationally excellent research.

"These new facilities will help us accelerate the quality and quantity of our research and attract even more world-leading academics, researchers, and students, allowing us to make an even greater impact on businesses, technology, public services and communities across the region and beyond.

“We have indeed set ourselves ambitious goals, but I am convinced that we have the opportunity to achieve them. Our vision builds on what is best about Liverpool Hope: an uncompromising pursuit of academic excellence; a broad, humanistic view of education; and a tradition of leadership and service.”

Watch a time-lapse video of the new building

View our Flickr Album for images of the launch

Published on 20/03/2018