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Here's How Hope Will Mark International Women's Day

int women's day banner

Liverpool Hope University will be celebrating International Women’s Day next month with a series of events for students and staff.  

International Women’s Day 2021 takes place Monday the 8th March. 

The theme of this year’s event is ‘#ChooseToChallenge’, which aims to ‘celebrate women's achievement’, ‘raise awareness against bias’ and to ‘take action for equality’.

And Hope will be marking the occasion with two key webinars. 

The first, which takes place between 2-2:45pm on March 8th, will see Hope joining forces with education outreach specialists Shaping Futures to host a panel discussion about how society can challenge gender roles and stereotypes. 

Joining the conversation will be Char Binns, Director at Liverpool’s long-running ‘Homotopia’ festival of arts and culture. 

char binns

She’ll be joined by Mia Thornton, former Hope student and now Junior Content Creator at the Black Ballad lifestyle website, as well as Co-Founder of the ‘Go Off Sis Hub’ podcast. 

Meanwhile the panel will also include Dr Stephe Harrop - Professional Storyteller, Subject Lead in Dance, Drama and Performance at Hope - as well as Chloe Russell, a Hope Student Ambassador studying Primary Education with QTS, specialising in SEN. 


To join the webinar, head here:

Passcode: 701751


And in the evening of the 8th a second fascinating webinar will take place at 6pm. 

This debate, being organised by Hope’s School of Social Sciences, will welcome esteemed guests including Lord Mayor of Liverpool and Councillor Anna Rothery, Paula Barker, Labour MP for Liverpool Wavertree and activist Lindsey German, Convenor of the anti-war organisation Stop the War Coalition as well as anti-austerity group The People’s Assembly.

The theme of this webinar will be ‘Women’s Oppression Today’, and each guest will be invited to speak on the subject before the floor is opened to questions from the audience. 

You can join that discussion by heading here:

 Passcode: 303436


Dr Stephe Harrop, Senior Lecturer in Drama at Hope, and Subject Lead for Drama, Dance, and Performance, said: "I feel very honoured to have been asked to participate in this webinar to mark International Women's Day 2021. 
"For me, a key concern is working to enhance the visibility of women creatives, and striving to establish more equitable and sustainable working practices for everyone across the arts. 
"But I also think this year's theme of #Choose toChallenge offers us all a vital opportunity to explore the range of ways in which we can inspire, support, encourage, and empower one another within our learning and creative communities."
stephe harrop

International Women’s Day has actually been taking place since 1911 - with more than one million women and men attending rallies across Europe campaigning for women's rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination.

The initiative says that message is still needed now, as there’s ‘urgent work’ to be done to reach gender parity, and it adds: “A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day.

“We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.

“From challenge comes change, so let's all choose to challenge.”


** You can check for further updates through @LivHopeOutreach


Published on 03/03/2021