You can learn more about epic tales from ancient Greece thanks to an upcoming lecture from a Liverpool Hope University academic.
Dr Stephe Harrop is a Senior Lecturer in Drama at Liverpool Hope and who has long been interested in Greek tragedy and how those stories might impact on modern audiences.
She has joined forces with the Liverpool branch of the Classical Association - the largest organisation of its type in Great Britain - to give a special talk on the lasting legacy of Homer, legendary oral poet.
It’s Homer who is said to have brought the world two epic poems in the form of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Homer also gave to the world heroes like Achilles, the strongest soldier in the Greek army during the Trojan War, and Odysseus, a warrior who came face to face with a one-eyed cyclops, a cannibalistic giant, and who resisted the lure of the deadly sea-dwelling Sirens.
Now Dr Harrop will explore how Homer’s tales have been passed down from antiquity through the oral tradition - and why that’s important for both modern audiences and storytellers.
Describing her lecture - ‘Homeric Orality and Contemporary Performance’ - Dr Harrop reveals: “A century ago, scholars of Homeric poetry began to formulate a challenging new thesis. Their Homer was an oral artist, stitching together new stories from traditional materials, making and re-making heroic songs in and through live performance.
“This talk considers the impact of these theories on contemporary performance-makers, exploring how the idea of an oral Homer continues to inspire new creative responses to ancient epic.”
Dr Harrop, a professional storyteller, is keen to point out that the lecture is open and accessible to all - you don’t need an encyclopedic knowledge of ancient Greece to enjoy it.
She adds: “The Classical Association has a worldwide membership, and unites the interests of all who value the study of the languages, literature and civilisation of ancient Greece and Rome.
“All their talks are designed to be accessible to school students, the general public, and anyone interested in the ancient world.”
The Classical Association aims to provide an engaging and exciting programme of events throughout the academic year.
** The lecture takes place on Thursday September 30, between 7pm and 8pm. It will be an in-person event held at Liverpool College, L18 8BG. Entrance is FREE but you must reserve a ticket by visiting the Eventbrite website.