A new book edited by Lecturer in Media and Marketing Sue Cronshaw has been published in paperback for the first time.
Postgraduate Study in the UK: Surviving and Succeeding features a chapter by Mrs Cronshaw, who co-authored the book.
Speaking about the origins of the Surviving and Succeeding series, Mrs Cronshaw said: “It was born when a group of postgraduate students considered what advice they would give to prospective students. They realised many of the key lessons they learned about navigating the realities of postgraduate study were not covered in the majority of postgraduate advice books, but came through lived experience and discussions with colleagues.”
Following editions across the world, this book includes advice from 23 present and former postgraduate students from UK universities. Through lived experience, they discuss an extensive range of issues including; practical considerations during study, how to cope when not following a ‘traditional’ route, how to manage and maintain relationships and family responsibilities, and how to find your feet in a different cultural setting.
Every postgraduate students’ journey is unique, however, the majority of students will face barriers, either personal or structural, over the course of their studies. Students discuss their experiences in a personal and relatable way, and the overall message is one of optimism that students can survive and succeed in their postgraduate studies.