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New books from Professor David Bolt

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The latest book from Professor David Bolt, Disability and Education, is out now and available to pre-order as part of the Routledge Advances in Disability Studies series.

Cultural Disability Studies in Education: Interdisciplinary Navigations of the Normative Divide explores how disability studies has emerged as a catalyst for cultural disability studies and Disability Studies in Education.

In Professor Bolt’s latest book, the three areas are united in a new field that recognises education as a discourse between tutors and students who explore representations of disability in everything from academic disciplines and knowledge, to language and theory; from received understandings and social attitudes, to narrative and characterisation.

Moving from the late 19th to early 21st-century representations, the book combines disability studies with aesthetics, film studies, Holocaust studies, gender studies, happiness studies, popular music studies, humour studies, and media studies. It encourages discussion around representations of disability in drama, novels, films, autobiography, short stories, music videos, sitcoms, and advertising campaigns.

Professor Bolt is also involved in publishing the fifth title in the Literary Disability Studies series; Dr Alex Tankard’s Tuberculosis and Disabled Identity in Nineteenth Century Literature: Invalid Lives.

Founded in 2013 and published by Palgrave Macmillan/Springer, Literary Disability Studies is the first book series dedicated to the exploration of literature and literary topics from a disability studies perspective.

Professor Bolt is the series editor with Dr Elizabeth J Donaldson (New York Institute of Technology) and Professor Julia Miele Rodas (Bronx Community College, City University of New York), along with an editorial board of internationally recognised professors.

Dr Tankard (University of Chester) has been a CCDS associate for many years – she has given seminars; presented at the conference; and contributed to both the Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies and Changing Social Attitudes Toward Disability (Routledge, 2014).

Published on 16/05/2018