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Oxford University Press book contract for Dr Emma Katz

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Dr Emma Katz has secured a book contract with Oxford University Press for her first monograph Domestic Violence, Coercive Control and Mother-Child Relationships: Harms, Resistance and Recovery.

The book is timely because coercive control has recently become a crime in England, Wales and Scotland, and there is demand among academics and practitioners for more knowledge about its impacts on children and parenting.

Peer reviewer comments include; “This book would offer a remarkable contribution even if the field were full of books on this topic. But actually, there are not many books in this area at all”; “no other book analyses the mother-child relationship through the lens of coercive control, adding an important dimension to our understanding of this issue”; and “the quality of writing is marvellous. Katz writes clearly and vividly about complex issues”.

The book is due to be completed in autumn 2019, for publication in 2020.

Published on 16/05/2018