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Paul Rooney named among ‘most influential environmental professionals’

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Senior Lecturer Reverend Paul Rooney, from the Department of Geography and Environmental Science, has been named in a Power List of the Top 100 Most Influential Environmental Professionals.

Published by the ENDS Report, the inaugural list features individuals who have made the greatest impact in the past two years – as nominated by their colleagues, clients and competitors.

The ENDS Report is the UK's number one source of intelligence for environmental professionals, delivering news, analysis and reference across the carbon, environmental and sustainability agenda.

Rev Rooney, who is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and a Chartered Environmentalist, described his delight at making the list.

He said: “I’m delighted and humbled to be included in the Top 100 ENDS list along with so many respected and eminent environmentalists from industry and academia. My inclusion in this prestigious list is only possible because of the support of friends and colleagues I have worked with over the years.

“I look forward to continuing our work to tackle the linked crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. Through a realistic hope based on evidence and determination to act on these crises, I am confident we can create a healthy and sustainable future.”

Explaining how the shortlisted was compiled, ENDS stated: “The individuals who made the final list may have shaped or influenced national or local environmental policy. Their actions may have enhanced the reputation of the environmental profession.

"Their work may have resulted in demonstrable and positive environmental improvements. Or they may be unsung heroes whose work is delivering positive change without receiving the recognition they deserve.”

Published on 30/05/2022