A scholarly network headed by Liverpool Hope’s Dr Anthony Ridge-Newman has been commended by the Political Studies Association (PSA).
Dr Newman has been convenor of the Political Studies Association's (PSA) specialist group on conservatism studies, since 2016.
In 2019, the PSA Conservatism Studies Group (CSG) was nominated for specialist group of the year.
Despite narrowly missing out on the title, the PSA judges awarded the CSG with an honourable mention for “embracing diversity and placing it at the heart of their very successful relaunch”.
In 2018, Dr Ridge-Newman led an extensive relaunch of the CSG to include the development of the Tory Research Impact Network (TRIN). The network includes high profile scholars and politicians and aims to promote impact from scholarly outputs related to the Conservative Party.
The work of both the CSG and the TRIN have been commended for their active approaches to promoting equality and diversity through increased scholarly participation and engagement across a broad range of minority groups.