Upon invitation of Colour Vision Scientist Professor Katsuaki Sakata, Professor Galina Paramei was invited to Joshibi University of Art and Design, Tokyo, Japan, as a Visiting Professor.
During her visit, Professor Paramei delivered lectures and seminars on Visual Perception, Visual Neuroscience, Colour Cognition (in particular on Japanese colour terms) and on Aesthetic Appraisal of Artworks for undergraduate and Master's students.
Along with teaching, she launched a research cooperation with her host in cross-cultural study of perception of coloured emoticons – known as ‘smileys’. The project will relate data collected in Liverpool and New York, with that to be collected in Tokyo. As part of the project, she is co-supervising MSc Research Studies in Colour Science of Ms Songyang Liao.
Joshibi University of Art and Design is an art and design university for women. It is a traditional school that produces talented female artists, designers, and educators.