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Teaching Excellence award presented to Liverpool Hope scholars

winner receiving award on stage

Dr Penny Haughan, Dr Clay Gransden and Dr John Bennett represented Liverpool Hope's winning 'Communities of Hope' team at the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) awards evening.

The trio travelled to Edinburgh for a special ceremony, where they were presented with the coveted accolade in front of peers from across the Higher Education sector.

Advance HE announced Liverpool Hope as one of this year’s winners, after praising the University’s Network of Communities of Practice (CoP) initiative, which was introduced in 2014 as part of Liverpool Hope's Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy.

Formerly known as the Higher Education Academy, Advance HE undertakes a rigorous selection process when assessing examples of collaborative work, which has had a demonstrable impact on teaching and learning. 

Advance HE announced Liverpool Hope as one of it’s 2018 winners earlier this year. Read more here.

Published on 09/11/2018