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Associate Professor Kathrin Wagner

Fine Art and Design
0151 291 3679

I studied Art History and Italian in Berlin (Germany) and Siena (Italy) and gained my BA, MA and PhD from the Free University Berlin. After working in museums in Berlin and New York, I joined Liverpool Hope University from Cardiff University in 2011. 

My role is divided into two major strands. I currently act as Associate Dean (Student Experience) in the Faculty of Creative Arts and Humanities. I also work as Associate Professor in the Art History team, where I teach and supervise Art History, Fine Art and Graphic Design students. 

My research focuses on the late medieval and premodern period. It includes northern European ecclesiastical art work and its role and function within a variety of communities but also the investigation of movement and migration of visual artists. Another strand of my research is the exploration of gender and sexuality in imagery of swimming and bathing in premodern art, which is discussed in a monograph I am currently preparing (publisher Routledge). 

Teaching Specialisms

  • 14-17th century European art
  • 20th/21st century political art
  • History and theory of propaganda 
  • History and theory of photography                    

Professional Organisations/Networks



(2006) Der Kreuzaltar im Muenster zu Doberan, Deutscher Kunstverlag (The cross-reredos in the Muenster Doberan) 

(2011) Retabelkunst in Rostock im 15. Jahrhundert, Verlag Ludwig (The art of reredoses in Rostock in the 15th century) 

(2014) Rosa Mystica. Rostocker Rosenkranzretabel des Spaetmittelalters, LIT Verlag (Rosa Mystica. Reflections on the rosary reredoses in Rostock in the 15th century)

Edited Books: 

(2017)  Artists and Migration 1400-1850. Britain, Europe and beyond, co-edited with Jessica David and Matej Klemencic, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 

Book Chapters:

(2007) 'Parallelen in der Bildgestaltung - das Defensorium des Franz von Retz in Tafelmalerei und Schnitzkunst', Von wundersamen Begebenheiten. Defesorium inviolatae virginitatis beatae Mariae von Franz von Retz (National Library of Ireland Ms 32, 513), Kommentarband von Eberhard Koenig, mit Beitraegen von Ines Dickmann, Gerard Lyne und Kathrin Wagner, Simbach am Inn, pp. 33-46 ('The defensorium of Franz von Retz in painting and wooden sculpture', Of wondrous occurrences. The Defensorium inviolatae beatae Mariae by Franz von Retz (National Library of Ireland Ms 32, 513), commentary edition by Eberhard Koenig, Ines Dickman, Gerard Lyne and Kathrin Wagner). 

(2008) 'Das Kreuzaltarretabel in der Kirche des ehemaligen Zisterzienserklosters Doberan - zum Einfluss eines monumentalen Bildwerkes auf die Retabelkunst in Norddeutschland', Das Landkirchner Retabel im Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landesmuseum Schloss Gottorf - Retabelkunst um 1400 in Norddeutschland, hrsg. von Uwe Albrecht und Bernd Buensche, Verlag Ludwig, pp. 54-62. ('The cross-reredos in the former Cistercian Church Doberan - reflections on the role of a monumental altarpiece in Northern Germany', The Landkirchner Reredos in the Museum Schloss Gottorf - the art of reredoses around 1400 in Northern Germany.)

(2009) 'Die Fluegelfragmente eines gemalten Triptychons in St. Marien in Rostock - ein Rekonstruktionsversuch', Ecclesia Ornatae - Kirchenausstattungen im suedlichen Ostseeraum, KddV, pp. 123-141 ('The fragmented wings of a painted triptych in the St. Mary church in Rostock - a reconstruction', Ecclesia Ornatae - church interiors in the Southern Baltic Sea Area). 

(2009) 'Das Defensorium inviolatae beatae Mariae des Franz von Retz und seine bildliche Umsetzung an der Marientafel des Pelpliner Chorgestuehls', Terra Sancta Mariae. Marienverehrung im Deutschordensland Preussen, KddV, pp. 173-183 ('The Defensorium inviolatae virginitatis beatae Mariae by Franz von Retz and its visual presentation at the choir stalls in Pelplin/Poland', Terra Sancta Mariae - the adoration of Mary in Deutschordensland Prussia).

(2013) 'The Passion Scenes of the Holy-Cross-Reredos in Rostock - a new connection to Notke's workshop', Art, Memory and Patronage: Visual Culture in the Baltic Sea Area at the time of Bernt Notke, pp. 46-52. 

(2014) 'The High-Altarpieces in the Hanseatic City of Rostock in Northern Germany: A Hagiographic Approach to the Creation of Collective Identities', Cuius Patrocinio Tota Gaudet Regio. Saints' Cults and the Dynamics of Regional Cohesion, Hagioteca, pp. 285-296.

(2017) 'The Migrant Artist in Early Modern Times', Artists and Migration 1400-1850. Britain, Europe and beyond, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp 2-20.

(2022) 'The Pre-migrational Phase and its Significance for the Migration of Foreign Artists working at the Tudor and Jacobean courts in London', in: The Migration of Artists and Architects in Central and Northern Europe 1560-1900, ed. Anna Ancane, Art Academy of Latvia, pp. 31-44, available from: [accessed 5 March 2023].