Associate Professor Stephe Harrop
School of Creative and Performing Arts
0151 291 3493
My research focuses on contemporary storytelling, Greek tragedy and classical receptions, and performer training.
My newest book explores collaborative platforms for story-led performance, and female storytelling artists as innovators in interdisciplinary creativity. Contemporary Storytelling Performance: Female Artists on Practices, Platforms, Presences was published by Routledge in 2023.
I also hold a grant from the British Academy / Leverhulme Trust to develop my work with storytelling artists. The project 'Researching Non-Appropriatve Repertoires with England's Storytelling Artists' (2023-25) aims to generate strategies to promote ethical, inclusive, and sustainable performance repertoires through innovative research/industry collaboration.
I have supervised several PhD projects to completion, including theses focusing on new approches to actor-training, and the contemporary re-performance of ancient dramas. I am available to discuss potential PhD projects on contemporary storytelling, classical receptions, and related training practices.
Teaching Specialisms:
- Acting
- Actor-Training
- Adaptations of Classical Drama
- Cultural Histories
- Directing
- Ensemble
- Storytelling
University Roles:
- Associate Professor of Drama
- University Research Committee
- University Research and Innovation Steering Group
- Senior Academic Advisor (School of Creative and Performing Arts)
- Research Mentor (School of Creative and Performing Arts)
- Open Research Forum Lead (School of Creative and Performing Arts)
- Year Lead, Third-Year Theatre
- Harrop, S. (2023), Contemporary Storytelling Performance: Female Artists on Practices, Platforms, Presences. Routledge.
- Dunbar, Z. and Harrop, S. (2018), Greek Tragedy and the Contemporary Actor. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hall, E. and Harrop, S. (eds) (2010), Theorising Performance: Greek Drama, Cultural History, and Critical Practice. Duckworth.
- Harrop, S. (2021), '"No Air Left in Your Lungs": Breathing with Kae Tempest's The Book of Traps and Lessons'. Contemporary Theatre Review 31.1-2.
- Harrop, S. (2018) 'Greek Tragedy, Agonistic Space, and Contemporary Performance'. New Theatre Quarterly 34.2.
- Harrop, S. (2015). ‘Grounded, Heracles, and the Gorgon’s Gaze’, Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics 23.1.
- Harrop, S. (2013). Speech, Silence, and Epic Performance: Alice Oswald's Memorial'. New Voices in Classical Reception Studies 8.
- Harrop, S. (2021), 'Herakles on Chesil Bank: The Archers, Disavowable Classics, and The Small Back Room', in Blanshard, A. & Stafford, E. (eds) The Modern Hercules: Images of the Hero from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century. Brill.
- Harrop, S. (2018) 'Unfixing Epic: Homeric Orality and Contemporary Performance', in Macintosh, F., McConnell, J., Harrison, S. and Kenward, C. (eds) Epic Performances from the Middle Ages into the Twenty-First Century. Oxford.
- Harrop, S. (2018) ‘”It Happens in Ballads”: Scotland, Utopia, and Traditional Song in The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart', in McKerrell, S. and West, G. (eds) Understanding Scotland Musically: Folk, Tradition and Policy. Routledge.
Boards/Networks: The Higher Education Academy (Senior Fellow); The Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama, University of Oxford (Research Associate); TaPRA, Theatre and Performance Research Association (Prizes Sub-Committee; Postgraduate Essay Prize Coach); The Women's Classical Committee UK (Steering Group); Equity.