Associate Professor Zoe Zontou
Performing Arts
0151 291 3598
My research over the last decade has opened up new understandings of the role of applied theatre in assisting people in recovery from addiction to socially reintegrate.Through practice-based projects, and academic publications my research continues to deepen and extend the understanding of the role of socially enganged arts in challenging social perceptions of addiction. I am a researcher-in-residence in Fallen Angels Dance Theatre, and I have extensive experience of planning and managing a series of projects with diverse community groups. I hold a Ph.D. in Drama at the University of Manchester, a PGCAP from Liverpool Hope University, an MA in Applied Theatre from the University of Manchester and a BA (Ptychion) in Theatre Studies from the University of Patras (Greece), and I am also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Teaching Specialisms:
Applied Theatre
Theatre History
Devising for Performance
Ethics in Performance School Roles:
Research Lead for School of Creative and Performing Arts
Chair of the School Research Committee
REF Unit of Assessment Co-ordinator for Drama, Dance and Performing Arts
Member of the University's REF Steering Group Recent Publications: Zontou, Z. (forthcoming) Performing Addiction Cultures: Politics, Ethics, Aesthetics (London: Routledge) Zontou, Z. (forthcoming 2021) 'Dark Night Ends': The Ethics of Vulnerability in Applied Theatre, In Sadeghi-Yekta, K. and Prendergast, M., eds. Applied Theatre: Ethics (London: Bloomsbury Methuen)
Zontou, Z. (2019) 'Performance, Dislocation and Spirituality: Adrift Together', In Musca, S. and Galea, M., eds. Redefining Community Theatre (London: Intellect)
Zontou, Z. and Sachinis, G. (2019) 'UrbanDig: Theatre for Neighbourhoods', In Musca, S and Galea, M. eds Redefining Community Theatre (London: Intellect)
Zontou, Z. (2017) 'Under the Influence of Affective Performance', Performance Research, 22:6, 93-102.
Zontou, Z. (2017) 'Upon Awakening: Addiction, Performance, and Aesthetics of Authenticity', In O'Grady, A., ed. Risky Aesthetics: Performance, Participation and Critical Vulnerabilities (London: Palgrave MacMillan)
Reynolds, J. and Zontou, Z. eds (2014) Performance & Addiction (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars)
Zontou, Z. (2013) 'An allegory of Addiction Recovery: Exploring the Performance of Eumenides by Aeschylus, as adapted by 18 ANO Theatre Group,' Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Peformance. 2:3, 303-315.
Zontou, Z. (2011), 'Applied Theatre as an "Alternative Substance": Reflections from an Applied Theatre Project with People in Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Dependency', The Journal of Applied Arts and Health
Reynolds, J. and Zontou, Z. (2011) '10 years on the Edge: Phil Fox reflects on a decade of recovery through applied theatre practice', The Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 2:2, 165-178
Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) - Executive commitee member (2019-2021)
The Girls' Network (Mentor)