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Dr Brett Drury

Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
0151 291 3611

I am a researcher in Probabilistic Reasoning and NLP with experience in the Private Sector and Academia across four countries. My PhD and Postdoc projects involved text mining for stock market and sugar-cane market prediction. I have also worked on applied ML techniques such as Deep Learning for image classification. I have been funded by FAPESP, and I am a LIF Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.  I am a referee for several journals and conferences, and a member of the ACL Professional Conduct Committee , I am also an Academic Adviser for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

I am a member of the Laboratório de Inteligência Computacional (LABIC) research group of the University of São Paulo, Sociopolíticos dos Algoritmos e da Inteligência Artificial research group of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos. and LIAAD-INESC-TEC, a research lab. of the University of Porto. 

My Google Scholar Profile is here.

I welcome collaborations with students and private / public sector organisations. 

I am currently on secondment at Rothamsted Research as a Visiting Scientist until April 2025.



Office Hours

9.00 to 11.00 Tuesday


ARII001 Data Visualisation

ARIH003: Natural Language Processing (Fundamentals)

ARIH004 Natural Language Processing (Applications)

ARIM002 Network Science and Knowledge Representation

ARIM004 Statistical Relational Learning

Research Interests

Deception in Business Communications

Text Mining Applied to Agriculture

Text Mining Applied to Stock Trading