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Dr Curtis Ziniel

Business School
0151 291 3164


Dr Curtis Ziniel is a senior lecturer of Research Methods within the Liverpool Hope University Business School.  He acquired his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from North Dakota State University and his PhD from the University of California at Riverside.  He has received additional research methods training at Harvard University and the University of Michigan.  Before coming to Hope University, he previously taught at the University of Oregon.  His varied teaching experience includes classes in research methods, communication, politics, education, and business.  His teaching at Hope has focused on research methods for both undergraduates and postgraduates.  

His research is focused on green market growth and organizational activity toward positive social change.  He is co-lead of the Greening Markets Research Group (  He is published in: International Public Management Journal; Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility; International Journal of Social Quality; International Journal of Sport Management and MarketingEthnic and Racial Studies; and Sage: Research Methods Cases. 

Selected Publications:

Ziniel, C. and Gransden, C. (2023) How value congruence affects fan consumption behaviour. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 23(1/2), 2-43,

Ziniel, C. (2021) Colouring representation: staff racial employment patterns in US congressional offices. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(15), 2836-2856,

Bradley, T., Malki, I., Ziniel, C. and Ghalib, A. (2021) Mapping Localism, Resilience and Civic Activism in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Social Quality, 11(1/2), 145-175,

Bradley, T. and Ziniel, C. (2021) How Green is Your Pitch and Patch? Final Report. Liverpool: Everton in the Community & SEARCH Centre, Liverpool Hope University.  (Available Online.)

Ziniel, C. and Bradley, T. (2018) Greening British Businesses: SMEs and the New Wave of the Environmental Social Movement. International Journal of Social Quality 8(2), 1-26,

Bradley, T. and Ziniel, C. (2017) Green Governance? Local Politics and Ethical Businesses in Great Britain. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility 27(1), 18-30,

Ziniel, C. and Ghalib, A. (2017) Research Informed Teaching: A Mixed Methods Approach to Assessing Perception and Practice Within a Higher Education Setting. SAGE Research Methods Cases. Sage Publishing, London. (Available Online.)

Ziniel, C. and Ghalib, A. (2017) Student-led tutorials and their implications on learning and teaching: Findings from a mixed methods study. SAGE Research Methods Cases. Sage Publishing, London. (Available Online.)

Andreoni, V., Peacock, K. and Ziniel, C. (2014) Beyond Growth: Economic Trends and Life Satisfaction in Liverpool City Region. Final Report. Liverpool: SEARCH Centre, Liverpool Hope University. (Available Online.)

Lazer, D., Mergel, I., Ziniel, C., Esterling, K. and Neblo, M. (2011) The Multiple Institutional Logics of Innovation. International Public Management Journal 14(3), 311-340