Dr Erin Pritchard
Sociology and Cultural Studies
0151 291 3183
I am a lecturer in Special Educational Needs within the School of Social Sciences. Since joining the team in 2014 I have taught on a range of topics and developed my own teaching informed by my research, including an advanced research seminar series on disability and the built environment. I am currently dissertation lead and year lead for Level H SEN. I also co-lead the university's dissertation Community of Practice. I am a senior Fellow of the Higher Education Association and core member of the Centre for Cultural Disability Studies.
In 2014 I completed my PhD at Newcastle University. My doctoral research, which was funded by the ESRC, explored the Socio-spatial experiences of people with dwarfism living in the UK. In 2021 my monograph, based on my doctoral work, Dwarfism, spatiality and disabling experiences was published by Routledge. I am an editor for the journal Disability & Society.
My research interests are based with Disability Studies and human geography. Currently I am examining the social and spatial experiences of people with dwarfism, as well as cultural representations of dwarfism.
Publications include:
Pritchard, E. (2023) Midgetism: The Exploitation and Discrimination of People with Dwarfism. Abingdon: Routledge.
Pritchard, E. and Edwards, D. (Eds) (2023) Sexual Misconduct in Academia: Informing an Ethics of Care in the University. Abingdon: Routledge.
Pritchard, E. (2022) "Get down on your knees": representing the seven dwarfs in the pantomime. Disability Studies Quarterly. 42 (1)
Pritchard, E. (2022) "He's adorable!" Representations of dwarfism in Family Guy. The Canadian Journal of Disability Research. 10 (3) 44-68
Pritchard, E. (2022) "She finds people like you hilarious!" Why do we laugh at people with dwarfism? Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies. 15 (4) 455-470.
Pritchard, E. (2021) The metanarrative of dwarfism. In Bolt, D. (ed) The metanarrative of disability: Culture, Assumed Authority, and the Normative Social Order. Abingdon: Routledge.Pritchard, E. (2021) Using Facebook to Recruit People with Dwarfism: Pros and Pitfalls for Disabled Participants and Researchers. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 23(1), 85-93
Pritchard, E. (2021) Dwarfism, Spatiality and Disabling Experiences. Abingdon: Routledge. Pritchard, E. and Kruse, R. (Eds) (2020) Introduction: Representations of Dwarfism, Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 14 (2) 131-135. Pritchard, E. (2020) Incongruous encounters: the problem of accessing accessible spaces for people with dwarfism. Disability and Society, 36 (4) 541-560. Pritchard, E. (2020) Dwarfism expectations: Intersections of gender, disability and (hetro)sexuality in engagement with potential participants. In Hall, S.M. and Hiteva, R. (eds) Engaging with policy, practice and publics, Bristol: Policy Press, pp 21-39. Pritchard, E. (2019) Hate speech and dwarfism: the influence of cultural representations, In Sherry, M., Olsen, T., Vedeler, J. and Eriksen, J. (Eds) Disability Hate Speech: Social, Cultural and Political Contexts, Abingdon: Routledge, pp.116-128. Pritchard, E. (2019) A hierarchy of impairments: the absence of body size in disability accommodations within universities, In McMaster, C. and Whitburn, B. (Eds) Disability and the University: A Disabled Student's Manifesto, Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 129-136. Pritchard, E. (2019) Female researcher safety: the difficulties of recruiting participants at conventions for people with dwarfism. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 22 (5) 503-515. Waite, L. and Pritchard, E. (2017) The fat child, In Owens, A. (ed) Childhood today. London: Sage, pp. 125-138. Pritchard, E. (2017) Cultural representations of dwarfs and their disabling effects on dwarfs in society. Considering Disability. Pritchard, E. (2016) The spatial experiences of dwarfs within public spaces. The Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 18 (3) 191-199.
Pritchard, E. (2014) Body size and the built environment: creating a more inclusive built environment using universal design. Geography Compass, 8 (1) 63-73.