Dr Kris Darby
Drama, Dance and Performance
0151 291 3256
I hold a degree in Drama and Theatre Studies from Aberystwyth University as well as a Masters in Drama Research and PhD in Drama from the University of Exeter. , was concerned with theatre and site-based performances that place emphasis on the action of walking.
My subsequent research examined the prominence of walking in performer training and the use of the journey motif in theatre, labyrinths and video games. Walking continues to underpin my current research and practice as a sound artist, exploring the possibilities of placial empathy through binaural field recordings.
Teaching Specialisms:
Pedestrian performance
Modern European Drama
Avant-Garde Theatre
Performance technologies
School Roles:
Course Leader for BA Creative & Performing Arts
Co-Coordinator for Foundation Year Creative & Performing Arts
Ethics Lead for School of Creative and Performing Arts
Web Officer for School of Creative and Performing Arts
Recent Publications:
Bordering the Sacred: the Labyrinth as Non-Site, (forthcoming) Performance of Sacred Places: Politics and Ecologies
'Coding and hacking: a performance score' (2019) Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 10, p. 205.
"When it Comes, the Landscape Listens" Listening as Place Through Binaural Sound (2017), Invisible Places
Treading the Boards: the Significance of Walking on the Stage (2014), New Theatre Quarterly,
Recent Works:
Horizontal Offset (2018), Capstone Theatre
If Walls Could Hear (2014-)
I am a member of the Walking Artists Network and Chair of the board of directors for C&T Applied Theatre Company, based at the University of Worcester.