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Dr Robert Busby

History and Politics
0151 291 3030

I have had a long term interest in politics which started with an interest in James Madison and his understandings of democracy. I studied at what is now Anglia Ruskin University in  East Anglia, and then acquired an MA and PhD at the University of Manchester. I also spent research time at the University of Tennessee when a postgraduate. 

I have discussed American politics on radio for the BBC and other independent stations, written newspaper and online materials for several outlets in many countries including the USA, France, Slovakia, and China. 

At Hope I've jointly led field trips to local, national and international realms, including two trips to Poland, meeting with Polish students, and visiting key political sites in Warsaw and Krakow. 

I have a strong interest in conservative populism and right-wing politics. 

Teaching Specialism

Robert Busby teaches primarily in the field of American Politics, focussing on issue to do with the Executive branch of government. Rob teaches on issues to do with the strengths and weaknesses of American democracy, American political institutions and policy matters, and the evolution of the Imperial Presidency. 

  • US political institutions
  • Conservatism and American politics
  • The evolution of the modern American Presidency
  • American democracy 

Faculty Roles

Humanities Recruitment Coordinator 

Level C Coordinator

External Examiner Liaison

Student Voice

Recent Publications

Research Monograph : Scandal and American Politics in the 21st Century (2022) Palgrave

Book chapter: Trump, Populism and the Pandemic in Gillies (ed) Political Marketing and the 2020 American Election (2022)