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Alumnus Dan Fieldsend returns to Hope to showcase his new book

Dan Fieldsend delivers lecture to audience

Former Liverpool Hope student Dan Fieldsend returned to his alma mater to talk about his new book Locãl: A club and its city. Liverpool’s Social History.

Dan shared insights into the key stories that inspired him to write his book, which focuses on Liverpool – both the City and the football club.

The book explores what is means to be ‘a local ‘Red’ - sculpted by the city's social history - in an age of global expansion’. The synopsis states: “Former players, dedicated fans and civic leaders explain the relationship between the club they support and the city of their birth, exploring the events and moments in time that moulded their unique identity. This is the story of Liverpool, a club and its city.”

Since graduating from Liverpool Hope in 2013, Dan has been writing about football and coaching at Liverpool’s Academy. He gained his UEFA badge alongside writing for several outlets, and the inspiration for his book was born.

Hosted by the School of Health Sciences, the public lecture was organised as part of the University’s 175th anniversary celebrations.

Find out more about studying Sport at Liverpool Hope.

Published on 30/10/2019