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Alumnus launches educational network to enhance learning

Former Liverpool Hope University student Robert Bryson recently returned to his Alma Mater to deliver a series of workshops aimed at enhancing learning.

Robert, who is Teaching and Learning Coordinator for the website School of Thought, studied MA Creative Practice at Hope, before creating his own educational opportunity towards advanced learning.

School of Thought is designed to provide resources that will support Art & Design students to develop in their creative thinking and practice, which could potentially be turned into a business enterprise.

Explaining the motivation behind the initiative, Robert said: “I received a lot of feedback from students and thought it would be ideal if there was the opportunity to record their experiences and allow them to refer back to them again in the future.

“I find interactive workshops are often the best way to teach, and leading by example allows students to go through a process and then reflect on their journey.”

School of Thought is an educational network with a focus on Drawing, Painting and Critical Theory techniques. The Critical Theory workshops offer a combination of creative writing and strategic analytical thinking to reveal narratives and concepts within any art forms.

Robert returned to Hope to deliver a series of these workshops to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

“The students responded really well and I love nothing more than seeing someone experience a light bulb moment when they experience something new,” said Robert.

BA Design Programme Leader Dino Soteriou added: “Colleagues and I noted the praise and feedback the students gave to Robert’s simple holistic approach. It is a very effective teaching methodology, and students commented how much they would have benefited from such a session early on in their undergraduate studies.”

As awareness of the enterprise develops, Robert is hoping to see the School of Thought’s resources utilised by schools, colleges, and universities. The workshops provide insights for trainee, newly qualified and experienced teachers, as well as students.

Based on piloted and researched evidence, the resources focus on independent learning and personal development, with the aim of expanding knowledge.

Published on 20/03/2019