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Liverpool Hope Logo

Education PLD

The School of Education offers an extensive range of high quality Professional Learning & Development (PLD) opportunities for individuals and organisations working within the Education sector. All of our programmes are practice-based and impact-driven in order to support high quality teaching and learning and school improvement priorities.

Our PLD portfolio is continually updated to respond quickly to national and local initiatives, and has been designed to be delivered in a flexible way. We offer a range of delivery patterns to suit school preferences including:

  • Conference days, twilights and weekend sessions delivered at our Hope Park Campus
  • Bespoke programmes/consultancy delivered at Hope Park Campus or onsite training at your school
  • Fully accredited PLD modules and programmes of study at Master's level.

All PLD courses offered by Liverpool Hope are based on inquiry and research into your practice, and are designed to affect a real and lasting practical impact on the teaching and learning in your school and on school improvement.

We are happy to make a visit and discuss your requirements with you at your school.

Accredited Education PLD

Non-accredited Education PLD


Contact us

The PLD Team

T: 0151 291 3061/3656
