Educational leadership courses
Many of our Accredited courses in Educational Leadership can also be taken as stand-alone Professional Learning & Development courses. Professionals can take these courses as Attendance Only, without Masters credits, at a discounted rate.
Please see the courses listed under Educational Leadership on our Accredited PLD page and contact us for further details.
PLD SEND Courses
Many of our Accredited courses in Special Educational Needs & Disabilities can also be taken as stand-alone Professional Learning & Development courses. Professionals can take these courses as Attendance Only, without Masters credits, at a discounted rate.
Please see the courses listed under SEND on our Accredited PLD page and contact us for further details.
Church School Governance Online Training Programme
Aimed at Governors and Trustees (Directors) in both church schools and schools with a distinctively Christian ethos to provide support for Governors and Trustees (Directors) committed to working on school improvement.
Specifically designed to raise awareness of the changing expectations of Governing Boards and meeting today’s challenges in the education sector, whilst still holding on to the mission and vision of a church school.
Developed by experts and professionals with a background in church school leadership, governance and inspection.
Collaborative online programme with interactive discussions between participants and tutors. Minimum expected engagement of 12 hours (1 hour per week).
Key themes include the changing context, mission, vision and values, collaborative learning, decision-making and accountability.
January 2024 - June 2024
Governors and trustees (directors) working in church schools and Governors working in other designated schools
Watch Anne Messer, Chair of Governors and previous course participant talk about her experience of the course.
Developing the role of the induction tutor for early career teachers
Induction tutors have a key role and significant responsibilities in the statutory arrangements for ensuring Early Career Teachers (ECT) satisfactorily complete an induction period. The role of the induction tutor in the induction process is a crucial one which, if done effectively, provides the foundations of a successful and rewarding career in teaching for ECTs.
The new Education Inspection Framework (Ofsted 2019) states:
- Inspectors will meet ECTs where possible and may wish to observe lessons given by ECTs.
- Inspectors should give consideration to the fact that ECTs have less experience than other teachers, but must assess the effectiveness of the support and professional development put in place for ECTs and other teachers who are in the early stages of their careers, particularly in dealing with pupil behaviour.
- This must include the quality of mentoring and what the school has done to support their development in areas for improvement identified by initial teacher training providers.
The recent Teacher Retention and Recruitment Strategy (2019) announced the government’s commitment to increase funded support to ECTs in their first two years. This will have significant implications for the Induction tutor and has a national roll out for those starting their induction in September 2021.
This programme will make sure you are up to date and ready for the expected changes as well as the current requirements to ensure you give the best support to new teachers entering the profession.
ECT Induction Tutors
To book onto any of the above courses, please email with your details and confirm that you accept our PLD Terms and Conditions 2023/24
Courses for 2023/24 currently being confirmed. Check back for further details.
PLD Terms and Conditions 2023/24