Prevent is the name given to part of the government's strategy to prevent terrorism by reducing the possibility of radicalisation and extremism. The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (CTSA) creates a statutory duty for specified public authorities to 'have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'.
Liverpool Hope approach
The University’s approach to Prevent is primarily one of safeguarding the welfare of our students and staff. We balance this duty against our commitment to freedom of speech and other key legislation.
Prevent Training
As part of the Government's approach to the Prevent Duty, an e-learning module has been created.
Staff and Students are able to access the training here.
Concerns over students or colleagues
Staff or students are encouraged to report any concerns they may have by discussing these with the University Prevent Duty Lead Derrick Dykins (
If you have been affected by a terrorist incident, you should contact Student Development and Wellbeing ( who will be able to provide support.
You can also report a concern using our online form, which can be found here.
Designated safeguarding contacts
Prevent Duty Lead - Derrick Dykins (
School of Education - Michelle Pearson (
Social Work - Nicki Blundell (
Corporate Communications - Sue Kelly (
University Executive Manager - Jane Blackmore (
International Student Support - Wendy Bignold (
Student Life - Susan Haimes (
Hope Park Sports - Michelle Gilmurray (
Personnel - Clare Talbot (
Plas Caerdeon - Dom Salter (
Estates - James Ellison (