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Liverpool Hope Logo

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Liverpool Hope is committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion as well as the elimination of discriminatory practices.

Within this context the University seeks to ensure that everyone:

• is treated with respect and dignity
• finds it possible to participate fully in the life of the University
• is recognised for the varied contributions that contribute to Hope’s mission
• has equal access to opportunities so as to maximise their personal, academic and professional development.

Underpinning this approach is the principle that no individual will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, marital status, gender reassignment, racial group, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age, socio-economic background, trade union membership, or any other irrelevant distinction.

At Hope the individual and individuality matter. We hold students, staff and visitors in high regard and we foster a working and learning environment that recognises and respects differences.

The University is committed to fulfilling its obligations under equality legislation and these pages provide information on the work being undertaken in this area. Here you will find details on what the University is doing to comply, latest developments, support for staff and how you can get involved.

Disability Confident Committed 

Liverpool Hope University is proud to be part of the Disability Confident Scheme, and is committed to supporting diversity and equality. The Disability Confident Scheme is focused on challenging attitudes towards disability, increasing understanding of disability, and removing barriers to disabled people.

For more information please visit the Disability Confident Committed page.


If you have an enquiry or need support regarding an equality and diversity issue you can email Clare Talbot on or phone on 0151 291 3818. Your enquiry will be treated in strictest confidence.

Other HR Managers may be able to offer advice in the first instance:

Line managers:

Your line manager will be able to offer advice and support in the first instance.

Staff counselling service:

Hope has a confidential self-referral counselling service for staff provided by Counselling Solutions NW 0151 229 1010.

Chaplaincy team:

The Chaplaincy Team at Liverpool Hope provides pastoral and spiritual support for staff and students from all faiths and none

Trade Union representatives:

Your union will provide advice and guidance on equality and diversity issues.

Women in Leadership Steering Group

Liverpool Hope University seeks to embrace and support the success of all members of the Hope community. In particular, the University aspires to ensure that all individuals within the University do not experience barriers to their progression and that groups with identified characteristics are not disadvantaged. The Women in Leadership Group seeks to identify actions which will facilitate the advancement of women academic colleagues both through the normal academic promotion route of Lecturer to Senior Lecturer to Associate Professor/ Principal Lecturer to Professor and through academic leadership in a variety of roles to Head of School/ Department. The Report of the Women in Leadership Steering Group for August 2022 is now available to view.