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Digital Marketing and Digital Creativity

UCAS Code: DM06|Duration: 3 years|Full Time|Hope Park

UCAS Campus Code: L46

Work placement opportunities|International students can apply


Digital Marketing is one of the most challenging, fast-moving and exciting disciplines in the world of business today. Our Digital Marketing degree has a theoretical focus that is combined with practical examples of how companies apply the theory on a day-to-day basis, meaning that what you learn is not only academically sound but also rooted in the realities of today’s dynamic and increasingly digital marketplace.

During your degree, you will be provided with the key skills and knowledge that will enable you to understand the digital marketing context, marketing research and the discipline’s central role to business success, while allowing you to reflect on the moral and ethical implications of marketing behaviour in an increasingly digital world. The ever-advancing fields of Social and Digital Marketing and the importance of areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), content marketing, SEO and social media optimisation run through the curriculum as central themes and allow you to reflect on the many challenges and opportunities that the related technological and cultural changes provide. We believe your ability to gain meaningful employment after you graduate is really important, so there is a strong focus on helping you to develop your employability skills.

It has been designed so that you learn from research-active staff while at the same time being mentored and given masterclasses by industry leaders. Digital Marketing focuses on a wide range of organisations, from SMEs to global multinational organisations and across all sectors. Studying such a comprehensive view of the marketing world prepares you for a career in organisations of any type and size.

For more details and information about this course visit:
Digital Marketing BSc (Hons)


This course will educate students towards creating work that bridges the gap between traditional creative practices and their modern technologically facilitated counterparts from gaming, to graphic design to music and dance. It responds to the continuing appropriation of emerging digital technologies by artists with the aim of discovering new approaches for creative expression, often referred to under the umbrella term ‘Creative Convergence’. The course responds to the teaching and research interests of staff within the subjects of Music, Performance and Visual Arts, as well as colleagues in the areas related to Computer Science.

You will learn how to use a variety of technologies and realise assessed projects; these may include motion capture, haptic feedback, interaction design, data sonification & visualisation, animation & sound design, and coding/scripting in relevant languages strictly for creative output.

The practical seminars will act as laboratories to experiment with these technologies and enhance your skillsets, working towards a signature practice that primes them for the digital creative sector. The lectures provide a theoretical basis for you to critically position your work, further developed through student-led discussions in tutorials. The lecture content also informs the seminars, ensuring you are able to perceive the practical application of these ideas. In your first year of study, you will be introduced to the key practitioners and practices who demonstrate the ways digital technologies enrich the creative potential of traditional art forms.

For more details and information about this course visit:
Digital Creativity
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Liverpool Hope Business School
School of Creative and Performing Arts

Combined Honours:

  • Please note that Combined Honours degrees at Liverpool Hope University are split 50/50. This means both subjects will be studied equally.
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