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Business Management and Stage Design & Scenography BA

UCAS Code: IM15|Duration: 3 years|Full Time|Both Campuses

UCAS Campus Code: L46

Work placement opportunities|International students can apply


The world of Business Management is fast-moving and dynamic: Business organisations are facing unprecedented change and complex challenges both within the UK and globally. This demands that students who enter the business sector understand the dynamics of the business environment and how organisations operate in increasingly uncertain situations. The Business Management degree at Liverpool Hope University examines small to medium-sized enterprises to global multi-national companies – public, private, not-for-profit with a focus on business principles, organisational dynamics and management processes.

Liverpool Hope Business School holds the prestigious AACSB accreditation and has an enviable reputation for developing students with sound theoretical principles, thorough understanding of contemporary business practices and informed by the latest research. The links we have with local and national businesses, plus links with professional bodies, ensure you are well prepared for the world of work.

This in-depth degree gives you the opportunity to understand how businesses operate and the ethical and social impact they have on communities. An experienced, student-focused team will develop your understanding of this business context and develop the critical business skills and transferable skills that future employers will demand.

A unique feature of our Business Management programme is that all second year students take part in the YE (Young Enterprise) programme. This is the integrating element for the second year, which stitches together all the parts of the curriculum. Every student is allocated to a business start-up team, where they work in a group to set up and run a legal new business venture. Thus, it provides students with practical experience of the process of starting a 'real life' business. Many students comment that YE was the favourite and most valuable aspect of their degree in Business Management.

For more details and information about this course visit:
Business Management


*This course is for 2025 entry only

On this course you will be trained to design and make immersive worlds for different audiences. It’s about exploring drama and performance through the interactions between bodies, environments and creative technologies. How can light function as an actor? How can a set be built by sound alone? How can we subtly direct our audiences without them knowing? What are the ethical challenges of creating a performance solely for one person? As worldbuilders, you will learn about the different approaches to designing and creating your own immersive performance environments, supported by technical training that will prepare you for the creative sector.

Your three years begins with an introduction to immersive performance practices and scenographic design before you journey into the exciting challenges of audience participation and interaction. Moving outside of the campus, the city of Liverpool itself will become a site for performance, echoing the work of immersive practitioners such as Punchdrunk, dreamthinkspeak and Shunt. Your final year will involve a push into new and experimental performance technologies, presenting performance projects in virtual worlds and the development of escape rooms and other ludic practices. This will culminate in you selecting either to complete a placement within an arts organisation or to take the lead as project manager of a major performance project of your own devising. This final year will also require you to complete an independent research project on a topic of your own choice.

This course is for those who are passionate about theatre and performance but are more interested in working behind the scenes.

For more details and information about this course visit:
Stage Design & Scenography
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Liverpool Hope Business School
School of Creative and Performing Arts

Combined Honours:

  • Please note that Combined Honours degrees at Liverpool Hope University are split 50/50. This means both subjects will be studied equally.
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