Liverpool Hope Logo Liverpool Hope Logo
Liverpool Hope Logo

Expectations for quality

student on a laptop

Courses are well-designed, provide a high-quality academic experience for all students and enable a student’s achievement to be reliably assessed. From admission through to completion, all students are provided with the support that they need to succeed in and benefit from higher education.

These expectations are underpinned by a number of Core Practices:

  • the provider has a reliable, fair and inclusive admissions system
  • the provider designs and/or delivers high-quality courses
  • the provider has sufficient appropriately qualified and skilled staff to deliver a high-quality academic experience
  • the provider has sufficient and appropriate facilities, learning resources and student support services to deliver a high-quality academic experience
  • the provider actively engages students, individually and collectively, in the quality of their educational experience
  • the provider has fair and transparent procedures for handling complaints and appeals which are accessible to all students
  • where the provider offers research degrees, it delivers these in appropriate and supportive research environments
  • where a provider works in partnership with other organisations, it has in place effective arrangements to ensure that the academic experience is high-quality irrespective of where or how courses are delivered and who delivers them
  • the provider supports all students to achieve successful academic and professional outcomes.

1. The provider has a reliable, fair and inclusive admissions system.

How does Hope do this? What resources are available?
  • The University has a well-developed admissions policy.
  • The AP(C)L policy covers students who apply with existing credits and experience.
  • The University works closely with partner schools and other bodies to widen participation
  • The University has an OfS approved Access and Participation plan.

QH13 -Recruitment and Admissions Policy

QH11 Policy on Recognition of Prior Learning

Partnership Register

Access and Participation Plan 2019 - 20

QAA Advice and Guidance:

Logo for admissions, recruitment and widening access

2.The provider designs and/or delivers high-quality courses.

How does Hope do this? What resources are available?&
  • All courses are proposed and approved through a detailed process involving external expertise.
  • All courses are expected to follow the Hope 10 Principles of L & T which are central to the Learning, Teaching and Assessment strategy.
  • Models of assessment and teaching have parity across the University.
  • All staff are expected to have a relevant teaching and learning qualification.
  • All courses are reviewed annually through course evaluation, annual review and enhancement, and five-yearly through a Type R co-design review.
  • The University has processes in place to intervene if concerns are raised about any course or department.

QH1 Programme Design and Approval (1)

QH2 Programme Design and Approval (2)

QH3 Programme Design and Approval (3)

QH7a PLD Handbook (for credit bearing awards)

QH7b PLD Handbook (non-credit bearing awards)

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy

Student Guide to Regulations and Policies 2020/21

Annual Review and Enhancement - User Guide

QAA Advice and Guidance:

Logo for course design and development Logo for external expertise Logo for monitoring and evaluation Logo for assessment

3.The provider has sufficient appropriately qualified and skilled staff to deliver a high-quality academic experience.

How does Hope do this? What resources are available?
  • All staff are expected to have a relevant teaching and learning qualification.
  • The course approval process involves confirmation that appropriate staff are available. Where this is not the case, a request for staffing is expected to be made prior to confirmation of approval.
  • Staffing levels are monitored on a monthly basis through SSR reports to the VC.
  • Staff numbers on individual courses are monitored through a staff allocation model.

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy

QH1 Programme Design and Approval (1)

QH2 Programme Design and Approval (2)

QH3 Programme Design and Approval (3)

AA Advice and Guidance:
Logo for course design and development Logo for learning and teaching

4.The provider has sufficient and appropriate facilities, learning resources and student support services to deliver a high-quality academic experience.

How does Hope do this? What resources are available?
  • The Course approval process requires reflection on the suitability of staffing and resources.
  • NSS data is routinely reviewed by the University as part of the ARE and programme review processes, particularly the Learning Resources section.
  • All courses are reviewed annually through course evaluation, annual review and enhancement and department review.
  • Student Voice Committee meetings are held at least once a term in each subject.
  • Student Support Services undergo Annual Monitoring.
  • The University has a system of internal review (operated by an external company), which covers areas of high risk.
  • The University Student Protection plan identifies courses at high risk and puts in place preparatory arrangements where necessary

QH1 Programme Design and Approval (1)

QH2 Programme Design and Approval (2)

QH3 Programme Design and Approval (3)

QH14 Guidance on the Operation of Student Voice Committees (SVCs) (pending approval)

Annual Review and Enhancement - User Guide

Guidance on Operation Of SSLC

SSG Review Guidance

Internal audit Schedule (coming soon)

University Risk Register (coming soon)

Student Protection Plan

QAA Advice and Guidance:
Logo for course design and development Logo for monitoring and evaluation Logo for enabling student achievement Logo for student engagement

5.The provider actively engages students, individually and collectively, in the quality of their educational experience.

How does Hope do this? What resources are available?
  • The University has an overall policy on Student Voice.
  • The Hope Charter.
  • Students are provided with a guide to their studies with an offer of a place.
  • Student panel member required in course approval process.
  • Students are consulted when changes are made to courses.
  • NSS data is routinely reviewed by the University as part of the ARE process.
  • All courses are reviewed annually through course evaluation, annual review and enhancement and course review.
  • Student Voice Committee meetings are held at least once a term in each subject.
  • Students are represented on all major University Committees.
  • Students are involved in the Communities of Practice.
  • The 10 Principles of Learning, Teaching and Assessment at Hope require student involvement.

QH13 Recruitment and Admissions Policy

QH4 Review of Existing Courses

QH5 Approval of Modification to Existing Provision

QH14 Student Voice Committees

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy

QAA Advice and Guidance:
Logo for student engagementLogo for admissions, recruitment and widening accessLogo for course design and developmentLogo for enabling student achievementLogo for assessment

6.The provider has fair and transparent procedures for handling complaints and appeals which are accessible to all students

How does Hope do this? What resources are available?
  • Every student has a personal tutor who they meet every week and who can help to address issues at an early stage.
  • Every student has access to a team of experienced Senior Academic Advisors who can advise on issues related to progression.
  • The University has a complaints process for students that deals with issues other than assessment.
  • The University has an appeals process for students that deals with outcomes of academic assessment boards.
  • The University has an admissions related complaints process for all applicants.

Key Information for Tutors

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy

Student Guide to Regulations and Policies 2020/21

Student Complaints Procedure

Academic Appeals Procedure

Recruitment and Admissions Policy

QAA Advice and Guidance:
Logo for admissions, recruitment and widening access Logo for enabling student achievement Logo for concerns, complaints and appeals Logo for learning and teaching Logo for assessment

7. Where the provider offers research degrees, it delivers these in appropriate and supportive research environments.

How does Hope do this? What resources are available?
  • Dedicated website.
  • General information Skills programme and funding opportunities.
  • Annual supervisor training.

Profession Doctorate Regulations (October 2022 onwards)

PHD_MPHIL Regulations (October 2022 Onwards)

QAA Advice and Guidance:
Logo for research degreesLogo for assessmentLogo for learning and teaching

8.Where a provider works in partnership with other organisations, it has in place effective arrangements to ensure that the academic experience is high-quality irrespective of where or how courses are delivered and who delivers them.

How does Hope do this? What resources are available?
  • University uses the Partnerships and Accreditations Committee (PAC) to oversee all partnership arrangements. This reports through Academic Committee to Senate.
  • All partnerships must be agreed by USET before they commence
  • Course approval process requires consideration of location/partnership arrangements.
  • All student placements are underpinned by rigorous planning and paperwork

QH8 Partnerships Guide

Accreditation Register, October 2024

Partnership Register

QH10 Seeking and Maintaining Professional Accreditations

QH1 Programme Design and Approval (1)

External Examiners Guide 1 2024 The University and it Programmes

External Examiners Guide 2 2024

External Examiners Guide 3 2024 Regulations at Hope

External Examiners Guide 4 2024 Undergraduate Regulations

External Examiners Guide 5 2024 Postgraduate Taught Students

External Examiners Guide 6 2024 Administrative Arrangements

Placement year handbook

QH12 External Examining Handbook 23/24

External Examiners Report proforma 2023/4

QAA Advice and Guidance:
Logo for partnershipsLogo for work-based learning

9.The provider supports all students to achieve successful academic and professional outcomes.

How does Hope do this? What resources are available?
  • Courses are designed with a clear description of what makes a successful student.
  • All students are required to meet their personal /academic tutor once a week.
  • The University has a year-long curriculum which gives opportunity for academic and personal development thought the year approval process.
  • University tutorial system.
  • Integrated curriculum.

Programme Design and Approval

Guide to Induction and Tutorials

Key Information for Tutors

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy

Guide to Induction and Tutorials

Key Information for Tutors

QAA Advice and Guidance:
Logo for work-based learningLogo for student engagementLogo for learning and teachingLogo for enabling student achievementLogo for assessment