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Liverpool Hope Logo

Staff services

For most of the services you will need to use as a member of staff, the MyHope portal will provide you with the relevant links.

Within the Portal, you will be able to access:

Moodle Virtual Learning Environment
Library resources Online books and other library resources
My Careers Centre Careers and Employability skills resources
Attendance Management Analysis of student attendance
Web room booking Search for and book rooms for non-teaching events
Tutor Hub (Level C only) Student details by class or department
Management information Access to further management systems including e-reporter, dashboard and more
SRM Management of student records
Timetable Your own timeatble details
Student lookup Summary of a student record, showing a variety of personal and academic details
Academic profile Details of your academic profile and achievements
Estates helpdesk Allowing maintenance requests to be viewed and raised

The Home Page of the Portal also provides you with:

  • Quick access to information relating to today’s events,
  • A Notice Board showing important University information,
  • Details of upcoming events


Network Drive Storage Space

All staff have access to 2 Network Drives viz

I: Drive - this is a personal drive
Z: Drive - this is a shared drive, typically accessed by all staff within a designated department. Access to the relevant part of the Z: Drive will be granted once approval has been given by the relevant Head of Department.

Staff will have access to the Network Drives when logged on to a machine linked to the University IT network. Additionally, drives can be accessed from offsite via our remote desktop facility

Administrative Systems

The following systems are available to appropriate staff to support the running of the University:

Agresso Financial processing
Kinetics Conferencing and accommodation
SITS Management of student data
Ciphr Staff records and processing
Alma Library management