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Faculty of Creative Arts and Humanities

Two students working together in a workshop at the Creative Campus

Welcome from the Executive Dean

May I offer you a very warm welcome to the Faculty of Creative Arts and Humanities which is home to many of the subject disciplines that go to the very heart of Liverpool Hope University’s founding principles that date back to 1844. Our Faculty is instituted upon excellence in teaching, and the advancing of research and enquiry into the subject disciplines that strike at the core of what it is that makes us human.  

The Faculty is made up of two diverse, but collaborative Schools: Creative and Performing Arts and Humanities that collectively encompass such subject disciplines as History, English, Music, Contemporary Fashion, Fine Art, Theology, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Film, Drama, Dance and Graphic Design. Collectively the Faculty poses a wonderful fusion of innovation and heritage and all of which relate to very important drivers of the UK’s national economy. All our disciplines have close ties to Liverpool and its surrounding region – a city with a long and proud world-class arts and humanities tradition.

Our Faculty includes award-winning historians, novelists, composers, artists, authors as well as acclaimed recording artists, theatre directors and storytellers. All of whom are as committed to student success as they are to the furtherance of their academic field. Many of my Faculty colleagues contribute to national academic and professional bodies and networks as well as to the national media on matters relating to their subjects. All my academic colleagues are linked into a variety of national and international professional networks.

Our collective research activity - much of which is world-leading or of international levels of excellence - offers critical engagement with our cultural heritage and approaches to creative thinking – celebrating a plurality of perspectives. A good deal of this work is civically engaged, thus connected to many of our city’s communities and to ‘real-world’ objectives.

Our Faculty enjoys the highest levels of support through our teams of administrators and technicians each in their own way enabling the delivery of high quality, professionalised experiences for our students.

Whatever you may choose to study within the Faculty of Creative Arts and Humanities our primary goal will be to stretch your critical and creative imaginations. We will work in preparing you for the world of professional engagement, where you will be able to realise your full potential and begin the next stage of your journey in a highly rewarding career.

I look forward to personally welcoming you to the Faculty of Creative Arts and Humanities in the near future.

Professor Stephen Davismoon

Executive Dean of the Faculty of Creative Arts and Humanities

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Group of students chatting and smiling as they walk through campus