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Faculty of Human and Digital Sciences

Academic and student working with robots in the lab

Welcome from the Executive Dean

The modern world is complex, creating both opportunities and challenges for people living in it. If we are to make the most of opportunities offered in the modern world and to mitigate the challenges that exist within it then it is important to educate and empower students to be able to make a positive difference in the world. To achieve this is our objective at Liverpool Hope University.

Bringing together academics and students from Computer Science and Geography, Health and Sports Sciences and Psychology, the faculty represents Liverpool Hope University’s commitment to exploring people and their lives in physical and digital spaces. In doing so, our educational programmes explore issues as diverse as climate change and tourism, psychological and physical wellbeing, and nutrition and performance alongside the technical innovations from artificial intelligence and robotics.

Our excellent research-informed undergraduate and postgraduate educational portfolio is underpinned by a commitment to producing cutting-edge research that has impact. There is cutting-edge, impactful, research being published in major international journals in all the disciplines within the faculty, as well as the multi-disciplinary areas that sit between them.

Should you be interested in the work of the faculty then please send me an email,

Professor Nick Donnelly
Executive Dean of the Faculty of Human and Digital Sciences

Watch Our Video

Students walking through campus with the Health Science Building in the background