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Liverpool Hope Logo

Recycling and waste

Autumnal gardens in Hope

The University has a legal requirement to pre-treat the waste it produces i.e. separating out all possible recyclable materials.

During the 2021-2022 academic year, the University produced over 350 tonnes of waste from its halls of residence, academic buildings, catering outlets and grounds, and recycled an estimated 43% through segregation of food waste, paper, card, plastic bottles, cans and glass (nb, this figure is likely to be an overestimation because the food waste and glass bins are an average weight per bin). This waste could have been minimised by following the waste hierarchy, which would have reduced both the cost to the University and the impact on the environment.

The waste hierarchy ranks waste management options according to what is best for the environment:

    • Prevent producing waste in the first place
    • Re-use (cleaning, repairing, refurbishing)
    • Recycle what’s possible
    • Recovery to produce energy and/or materials
    • Disposal as a last resort


Teaching and Office Buildings

Waste and Recycling are collected and brought to a central compound for collection by our waste and recycling contractor.

Hope Park accommodation

Waste and Recycling bags are collected from your halls and brought to a central compound.

Waste - compacted and collected as required

Recycling - Tuesday (weekly)

Glass - Monday (weekly)

Creative Campus accommodation external bin stores

Waste - Monday and Friday (weekly)

Recycling - Monday (weekly)

Glass - Monday (weekly)

Aigburth Park accommodation external bin stores

Waste - Monday and Thursday (weekly)

Recycling - Monday and Thursday(weekly)

Glass - Thursday (fortnightly)


Bring your own mug when purchasing a drink

Pack for Good at the end of term:

What to donate:

  • Clothes, shoes and accessories
  • Books, CDs, DVDs and games
  • NO dirty or broken items, pillows or duvets, knives, hangars, bikes and helmets


  • Simply bag up your unwanted things


  • Drop the bags off in the red collection banks in the Car Parks at Aigburth Park, Creative Campus (by Hopkins Hall), and at Hope Park (in the FML car park by Green Lane Building and in the HCA car park by Hope Park Sports)


  • Whenever you fill your bags. The red collection banks are available now.
  • Red British Heart Foundation red collection banks have been placed around campus