The University has a legal requirement to pre-treat the waste it produces i.e. separating out all possible recyclable materials.
During the 2022-2023 academic year, the University produced over 385 tonnes of waste from its halls of residence, academic buildings, catering outlets and grounds, and recycled an estimated 54% through segregation of food waste, paper, card, plastic bottles, cans and glass. This waste could have been minimised by following the waste hierarchy, which would have reduced both the cost to the University and the impact on the environment.
The waste hierarchy ranks waste management options according to what is best for the environment:
- Prevent producing waste in the first place
- Re-use (cleaning, repairing, refurbishing)
- Recycle what’s possible
- Recovery to produce energy and/or materials
- Disposal as a last resort
Teaching and Office Buildings
Waste and Recycling bags are collected and brought to a central compound by our campus operatives for collection by our waste and recycling contractor.
Hope Park accommodation (Wesley, Newman and Teresa Halls)
Waste - Friday and Tuesday (weekly)
Recycling (including glass) - Tuesday (fortnightly)
Creative Campus accommodation external bin stores
Waste - Monday, Wednesday and Friday (weekly)
Recycling - Monday (weekly)
Glass - Monday (weekly)
Aigburth Park accommodation external bin stores
Waste - Tuesday and Friday (weekly)
Recycling - Tuesday and Friday (weekly)
Glass - Friday (fortnightly)
Bring your own mug when purchasing a drink
Pack for Good at the end of term:
What to donate:
- Clothes, shoes and accessories
- Books, CDs, DVDs and games
- NO dirty or broken items, pillows or duvets, knives, hangars, bikes and helmets
- Simply bag up your unwanted things
- Drop the bags off in the red collection banks in the Car Parks at Aigburth Park, Creative Campus (by Hopkins Hall), and at Hope Park (in the FML car park by Green Lane Building and in the HCA car park by Hope Park Sports)
- Whenever you fill your bags. The red collection banks are available now.
- Red British Heart Foundation red collection banks have been placed around campus
The University produces a number of waste streams, which are collected and recycled. It is important to place the correct items in the right bin, as any contamination (the wrong thing in the wrong bin) will result in it all being treated as general waste.
We currently recycle:
All AA and similar type batteries up to a 6V battery can be recycled in the pink battery containers. Car batteries, industrial batteries or batteries with wires cannot be collected. Collection boxes are available behind the Gateway Service Desk, Aigburth Reception, and at the Capstone receptions.
Use the recycling stations (Blue lid or Green lid).
Cans (food and drink)
Use the recycling stations (Red lid or Green lid). Please rinse out if required.
Cardboard (please flatten)
Please leave by your nearest recycling collection point for collection.
CDs and DVDs
Put in the external Textile Banks. All donations are collected by the British Heart Foundation and sold to raise monies for the Charity. The banks can be found at Aigburth Park, Creative Campus (between Hopkins Hall and the Cornerstone), and at Hope Park (in the FML carpark by Green Lane Building and in the HCA car park by Hope Park Sports).
Put in the general waste (Black lid)
Clothes and Textiles (including shoes and handbags)
Put in the external Textile Banks. All donations are collected by the British Heart Foundation and sold to raise monies for the Charity. The banks can be found at Aigburth Park, Creative Campus (between Hopkins Hall and the Cornerstone) and at Hope Park (in the FML carpark by Green Lane Building and in the HCA car park by Hope Park Sports).
Coca-Cola cups
Please put in the general waste (Black lid) or recycle alongside food and drink carton banks at Liverpool City Council's recycling centers. The nearest two are Otterspool Recycling Centre and Old Swan Recycling Centre.
Costa cups
Please put in the general waste (Black lid)or recycle alongside tetrapacksat Liverpool City Council's recycling centers. The nearest two are Otterspool Recycling Centre and Old Swan Recycling Centre.
Takeaway/single-use cups
Please put in the general waste (Black lid) or recycle alongside tetrapacks at Liverpool City Council's recycling centers. The nearest two are Otterspool Recycling Centre and Old Swan Recycling Centre.
Computers, monitors and IT equipment
Any IT equipment is collected by IT Services for collection and is sent for reuse or recycling.
Confidential materials (electronic)
Please contact the IT helpdesk for more information. Electronic media must not be placed in the consoles, these are for paper only. Confidential materials stored on CDs can be placed in the confidential bags (requested via the Estates helpdesk) for destruction; however, they must be kept separate i.e. not within the same bag as confidential paper.
Confidential materials (paper)
For guidance on confidential materials, please refer to the University's GDPR pages or the Legal Services team.
Please place any confidential paper within the consoles which are located across campus. These are collected on a monthly basis by B&M Shredding.
Hope Park and Creative Campus - January 12th, February 9th, March 8th, April 5th, May 3rd, May 31st, June 28th, July 26th, August 23rd, September 20th, October 18th, November 15th, December 13th
Shredding bags (clear-outs)
- Order the number of confidential bags you require via the Estates Helpdesk
- Fill to the maximum line (confidential material only; please remove any folders, plastic pockets/wallets, bulldog clips etc) and secure the bag. The sacks are paper so that they can be shredded without the contents being visible; therefore do not overfill them (use the marker on the bags as guidance) or place any folders etc within the bags as they may split.
- Once full, request a job via the Estates Helpdesk to collect the bags (detailing the number for collection)
- Return any unused bags to the Estates Office
NB, Prior to collection it is your responsibility to keep the bags in a secure location such as a locked room, do not leave them in a public space or by the recycling stations.
Do not dispose of non-paper items in the consoles/bags.
Electrical appliances
These are collected and recycled by Estates.
They can be reused if they are in good condition, if not, please use the recycling stations (Blue lid or Green lid)
Floppy discs
Use the general waste bins (Black lid). If confidential, please see Confidential materials (electronic)
Collections points are available within halls of residence, and external collection points are available in the FML car park by Green Lane Building, by the EDEN building and by Hopkins Hall and Josephine Butler
Light bulbs/fluorescent tubes
These are collected and recycled by Estates.
Magazines and Newspapers
Use the recycling stations (Blue lid or Green lid),
A collection box has been placed behind the Gateway reception desk.
Starbucks cups
Please put in the general waste bin (Black lid) or recycle alongside tetrapacks at Liverpool City Council's recycling centers. The nearest two are Otterspool Recycling Centre and Old Swan Recycling Centre.
Tetrapaks and juice cartons
Use the general waste bin (Black lid). They can be recycled at Liverpool City Council's recycling centers. The nearest two are Otterspool Recycling Centre and Old Swan Recycling Centre.
Tin foil
Please put in the general waste bin (Black lid)
These are collected and recycled by IT Services.
Please check the Recycle Now webpages to find out what you can recycle and where.
Liverpool Hope University has introduced centralised recycling facilities across the campuses in teaching areas, offices and circulation spaces, so that staff and students are never too far away from a recycling station. There are four separate receptacles for recycling paper (Blue lid), plastic bottles (Yellow lid) and food and drinks cans (Red lid). Waste that cannot be recycled (including takeaway cups and food wrappers) is collected separately at the same station (Black lid). Cardboard is also collected, but it must be flattened and left by the recycling stations before it is collected.
Staff offices
The bins within individual staff offices are no longer emptied by the domestic services team, it is the member of staff’s responsibility to take their bins to the nearest recycling station and separate out their waste into recycling and general waste.
Catering outlets
New bins have been placed in Our Place and the EDEN Cafe, which makes it easier to recycle your plastic bottles and cans (Green lid).
Coca-Cola, Costa, Starbucks Takeaway/single use cups and food packaging MUST go in the general waste (Black lid)
Student halls of residence
Recycling bins (Green lid) in each kitchen make it easy to recycle cans, tins, glass, plastic bottles, paper and cardboard.
All cans and glass jars etc. must be clean before going in the recycling bins.
Textile banks
The Textile banks can be found at Aigburth Park, Creative Campus (between Hopkins Hall and the Cornerstone) and at Hope Park (in the FML carpark by Green Lane Building and in the HCA car park by Hope Park Sports).
Think - Reduce – Reuse – Recycle. The best way to reduce the amount of waste is not to create it in the first place:
- Do you need to purchase the item?
- Can goods be supplied with less packaging?
- When purchasing new items, look for durable items that are built to last
- Make proper use of the University’s recycling bins
Did you know? During the 2014-2015 academic year, the University put 148 tonnes of recyclables into the general waste at an additional cost of £9,000.
Items can either be recycled into the same product or into new materials. This conserves our precious resources and saves energy.
Take proactive measures to reduce the number of handouts taken to meetings by emailing hand-outs, power-point presentations, agendas, previous minutes and papers to meeting attendees, or by using the projector facilities.
Think before you print:
- Can you scan and email documents rather than printing and posting?
- Use track changes, instead of printing and making notes
- Do you really need to print out that email?
- Only print the relevant pages
- Print double sided (typically reduces paper consumption by around 40%)
- Don’t print in colour, unless absolutely necessary
Use glass and crockery in meetings instead of plastic or paper alternatives.
Refill a water bottle instead of buying a new bottle or using plastic cup every time - water stations are available for use in Fresh Hope, LTC Foyer, EDEN cafe, Chapters and Hope Park Sports Foyer.
Collect all paper that has been printed on one side and re-use it for scrap paper.
Use old envelopes for sending internal mail.
Cancel junk mail and unwanted publications to reduce the amount of waste that has to be thrown away.
Register with the Mail Preference Service to reduce your junk mail.
Use rechargeable batteries rather than disposable ones.