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From exploring our past to inspiring the future

“I was initially unsure about going to university,” Chloe Worth started her story by saying. “But Hope has really helped me get stuck in and I’ve loved every second of my time here.”

Originally from Widnes, Chloe knew that she wanted to study at a local university. “I didn’t feel brave enough to move away from home, to be honest. But luckily I was really happy with Hope, so I didn’t feel the need to move away.”

She continued, “As soon as I came to visit on an Open Day, I knew that this is where I wanted to study. The lecturers were all really nice and answered all of my questions and the campus is so lovely. I didn’t feel intimidated at all, whereas I know that I would have at a huge city campus.

‘I didn’t feel the need to move away…’

Opting to live at home when the time came to start her History course with us, Chloe faced some scepticism about her choice of accommodation. “A lot of people said that I would feel excluded from university life if I lived at home,” she explained. “But I’ve never really felt that way. In my first year, I was involved in the History & Politics Society, which gave me the chance to meet some new people.”

“Outside of my studies, I’m also a Guide Leader and quite a few of my friends stayed at home after A Levels,” she continued. “So, I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on university life at all.”

When we spoke to Chloe, she was in the second year of her degree. “I know this sounds cheesy, but I love history so much – I don’t even mind the stress that can sometimes come with assignments. I actually really enjoy all of the research side of my course.”

“In between lectures, I also have a chance to hang out with friends,” she continued. “We’ll go and sit in the café or, if I need to do some work, I’ll grab one of the computers that are dotted around campus.”

Trips to the past

And with opportunities around every corner, Chloe wasn’t afraid to throw herself into the new experiences her course had to offer. “We’ve been on some great trips. In my first year, we went to The Museum of Liverpool and The Maritime Museum in the city centre. In my second year, we visited an Elizabethan home near Sheffield when we were studying Early Modern Britain,” she said.

“I think that my favourite trip was going to Belgium with History & Politics. For the five days that we were there we visited the museums in Brussels, looked around the war cemeteries in Ypres and Passchendaele and also spent a day looking around the Flanders Fields museum.”

“That was probably the day that I found most interesting as it’s a period of history that really intrigues me,” she continued. “For my dissertation, I actually want to focus on British Nursing in the First World War. There’s this nurses uniform in The Museum of Liverpool that made me realise that this is an area that I’d like to do more research around.”

From studying the past, to inspiring the future

And Hope has also helped Chloe to focus on where she wants to go in the future. “I’m actually looking to study for a PGCE at Hope after I’ve graduated,” she explained. “Since deciding that, my tutors have been so supportive and have helped me with work experience and organising the things I need to become a teacher. I couldn’t have asked for more really.”

“Hope has really helped me to figure out what I want to do and where I want to go,” Chloe finished by saying. “They are so encouraging and will do all that they can to help you achieve your goals.”