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Placement Years

If you take a year in industry as part of your course, you may still be entitled to some statutory support while you are away from the University, providing that it is a recognised element of your course.

Funding for living costs for students on paid placements

UK students will be able to apply for reduced rate Tuition Fee and Maintenance Loans. In 2024/25 the reduced rates for the Maintenance Loan is as follows;


Reduced loans (placement years) 

Parental home






Funding for living costs for student on unpaid placements

There are some exceptions where students will continue to be eligible for the same funding package as in previous years (which may include Maintenance or Special Support Grant, Dependants' Allowances and Disabled Students' Allowances). Students will still be eligible for their full funding package if they are undertaking "unpaid service" in one of the following:

  • Unpaid service in a hospital or in a public health service laboratory or with a primary care trust
  • Unpaid service with a local authority relating to the care and or welfare of children / young persons or similar activities with a voluntary organisation
  • Unpaid service in the prison or probation and aftercare service
  • Unpaid research in a UK institution or, in the case of a student attending an overseas institution as a part of his course in an overseas institution
  • Unpaid service with a Health Authority in England or Wales or equivalent in Scotland or Northern Ireland

Tuition Fees

Students on a year in industry will pay tuition fees at a reduced rate of £900 in the academic year 2024/25